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  • Hotkeys not working

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I am using the default hotkeys and these three do not seem to be working.

Store Selection 1: ctrl + 1
Store Selection 2: ctrl + 2
Store Selection 3: ctrl + 3

The others do however. I have tried it on both my PC and my laptop.

PS: Wrong forum section 😛

What version of Spine? To be clear, select something (eg, a bone), press ctrl + 1 (cmd + 1 on Mac), space to deselect, then when you press 1 (no ctrl/cmd) it should select the object again.

Yeah, I am using the latest on both my machines. 3.5.43 the other shortcuts 4-0 are working. just not 1-2-3 😛

That's bizarre. What OS? What kind of keyboard? QWERTY, AZERTY, etc.

Indeed it is, they are both on windows 10, QWERTY keyboards.
Troubleshooted it further, changed it to shift + 1, ctrl + shift + 1. Both works 😮

Can you check your spine.log and make sure there aren't any errors? Maybe two hotkeys have the same keys.
Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\spine.log
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/spine.log
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/spine.log

Nothing in my log, I am just using the default install on both my machines 😛 so nothing out of the ordinary. Weird that anything else than the default works for those three.

what number keys are you using? iirc only the ones above letters work, not on number pad

Ofcourse, as I have said the others are working, 4-0 just not 1,2 and 3, if I change it to ctrl + shift+ 1, or shift + 1 it works just not the ctrl combo