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Rigging and skinning for Spine animation
Hello dear my friends-
First above all,
I sincerely appreciate your support for my first post (Facial animation with Spine) last year.
Thank you so much!
So I'm working on new works for you all.
Also I hope you can expect posting soon. (How to make a zombie haha-)
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the concept art is by creaturebox
the 3D sculpt by Florian Jonas
Super cool! Stuff like this should be in the next spine update as an example ^_^
Damn !
I'm wondering how you got the various parts cuts since this was sculpted in zBrush o.o
the gif probably doesn't pay justice, but did you repaint the parts manually or maybe got separate versions of the render, expecially for the tongue?
Also, I believe the 4 white bones are there as a sort of bounding box, but does the blue one have a special purpose as well?
Really interesting work. (:
What @RemDust said ... Damn!!!!
Someone needs to seriously make a tutorial on setup for something this magical
Thats rather experience than tutorial. You can learn how to 3d effect for exacly this picture but another picture needs number and position of poligons and bones in another places. It looks great but that is not effect of tutorial or something but hard work and testing a lot.
In my opinion at start, you could try with something like this:
Make poligons on it, a few bones and try to make it a'la 3D More complicated picture needs more bones, meshes and idea. Its my opinion
Also Erikari made great example of doing 3D effect on the image
I very much disagree, a tutorial would be very helpful!
While it's true that the rig would be different for every image, the thoughts that go into joint and vertice placements follow certain sets of rules, as well as deciding which parts have to be cut out and I would love to know more about tocevenzro's workflow.
Also I would find it very interesting if all of this is done by just translation constraints, or if there are some rotations involved too driven by ik constraints.
Anyway, it's a great example of what spine and a crafty artist is capable of!
This is so amazing! thanks so much for both inspiration and sharing experience!
So very cool.
Trying to emulate this right now.
I really wish I could see the wireframe and the weight influence of the controller bone.
Amazing work! Seems so alive.. or whatever the proper term would be in this case
Here's the link to the making of: How to make a zombie
@Bastos if you post a new topic with some screenshots of what you want to achieve, I can link you to relevant resources
Thanks a lot Erikari, it was very helpful