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  • Transform constraints and weapons

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Hello, I'm rather new to Spine so I might just be doing something wrong, however I'm having a potential issue with transform constraints.
I'm rigging a character holding a sword and I need the sword to be separate, so I'm setting a constraint to hook it to the chara's hand. I had previously set two control bones on the weapon to ''rotate it'' with a slight 3D effect, one constrained to the other and translate set to -100.
When I set the constraint to hook the weapon to the hand, the other constraint breaks. I can see it in the tree and it seems fine but it just doesn't work and the position of the target bone is reset.

I worked around this problem by creating the main constraint first (sword to hand) and then setting up the other two for the rotation effect. It works fine, but this way I won't be able to create other constraints to the main sword bone in the future (say, I'll need it to be put away in a sheath or moved to the other hand)
It this a bug, am I doing something wrong or what?
Anybody know a workaround?

Thank you! 😃

This is probably caused by the constraint order being incorrect. Note that your constraints are calculated from top to bottom.

For example, let's say I use an IK constraint on an arm. On the same arm, I also transform constraint a bone to the hand (could be a weapon). In this case, I must calculate the IK constraint before the transform constraint because I must calculate the position of the hand before constraining a weapon it.

You can re-order the constraints by dragging them in setup mode.

THANK YOU! Exactly what I needed to know 🙂
I'm new to the software and keep forgetting the tree order matters

You're welcome 🙂

It does indeed matter, but in some cases, a "wrong" constraint order can be useful. So don't be afraid to experiment.
I'm working on an example project to showcase this at the moment.

14日 後

Hello, I'll resume the thread since I have some more issues with transform constraint, on a different rig though.

I need to link some bones to the legs of a creature. I set up transform constraints for both with the same characteristics. One works perfectly, the other seems to partially follow different bones in some animations. I even tried deleting it and redoing the constraint completely, checked that there are no other transformations on the linked bone etc. No difference. I also tried setting up a different constraint targetting the same leg bone and it goes crazy like the first. Does the same on the first parent. Tried changing the order in the tree, too.
I have no clue what to check next 😐

For the project's sake I could easily do this manually and ignore that particular constraint but it beats me how it doesn't work since it's the exact same as another. I might need the knowledge on another occasion

Replying for future reference.
After some more testing and trying and redoing I finally noticed I had some IK constraints on the target bone that were below the transform constraint in the tree. Totally didn't notice before, I moved them up and it works now.
I don't get how the transform constraint followed other bones instead of just not working in this case, but still, it's fixed now

Glad you resolved it! 😃