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Prepare for Unity 2017.3's split assembly
As the Spine csharp + Spine Unity runtime is large, it would benefit greatly from this new feature. All Spine runtime combined equals to total of my game scripts that is in my hot dll, that is the dll that changes often. (300KB)
So by splitting Spine I can cut the spinner time in half since I would not have to recompile Spine every time I change any little things as it can be in its own .dll and iterating the game will be faster.
How it works is it group everything in the folder recursively, bubbling up to the closest Assembly Definition File. If I put it on the top level of Spine folder then everything will be included. However it also disregard any magic folder like "Editor" so you need to make an another editor assembly by yourself and refer to the main top level ones.
The problem is Spine has many Editor folders so I need to make like 10 assemblies in each that all point up to the main ones if I want to keep the folder structure. The alternative way I am using is to merge every Editor folder into one, then I can have only one Assembly-Spine-Editor.dll. It would be nice if the next update arrange folders like this.
We can continue the discussion here: Unity 2017.2 Assembly Definition Files