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Spine: The Storyteller's Dilemma
Spine is a wonderful animation tool. Streamlined, "tactile", intuitive and extremely flexible. But, it is just an animation tool - which, at present, requires other tools to assemble Spine animations into a story - whether just a linear story or an interactive one.
Most know and can understand that the majority of animating artists get overwhelmed with the extreme number of technicalities and specialized knowledge required to employ 3rd party software (take Unity, for example) just to create a sequenced presentation of animation clips - resulting in a linear story (not to mention an interactive one).
Such 3rd party tools seem to act as obstacles to this relatively basic task - rather than facilitating and simplifying the task.
The developers here at Esoteric software are already dedicating all of their available resources and time to improving and refining the task of making game characters and their associated animation clips - and are unlikely to find the time - (anytime soon) - for tailoring Spine to the needs of the storytelling animation artists among us.
This is the dilemma.
So, if any of the Esoteric software staff can supply us - (storytelling animation artists) - with references to any direct 3rd party solution to sequencing Spine animation clips (complete with clip blending capability) for the production of either linear animated stories or interactive animated stories, please help us to find the shortest path from A to B - while keeping Spine at the center of our focus.
I simply cannot find a simple and straightforward solution.
Greg Smith
Hi Greg,
I understand your struggle, usually people would export video sequences to import in a different program to create animated sequences aimed at pure storytelling. For interactive storytelling indeed, a person is required to know how to code enough to create sequences of animations.
We made a first step by creating the web widget, which is a simplified version of displaying animations aimed at artists who know a little bit of html (I also made a video tutorial a while back here: Spine Widget tutorial ) but we're also taking into account your suggestion and thinking of something that could help you in the future, which is a bit complex to create, but we're making steps in this direction.
The best thing you could do for now is either export video sequences or use the web widget - and this option would make you indipendent - or find someone who can help you with coding enough to place your animations in the stage of a game.
I think our unity runtime actually comes with some good examples that should be easy enough to replace with your own content, but I'll still keep your problem in mind and try to think of something to ease it if possible. (maybe a video tutorial on how to setup an easy project of this sort?)