Spine Twitchストリーミング

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当社のマスターアニメーター、エリカ・イニジタリ(Erika Inzitari)がTwitchで美しいアニメーションを作成する様子をご覧ください!Twitchストリーミングは新しいワークフローや生産性向上のためのヒントを学び、リギングのプロにリアルタイムで質問したり、他のSpineアニメーター仲間と交流することができる最高の方法です。

以下に全てのTwitchストリームの録画とプロジェクトファイルを掲載しています。また、YouTubeのTwitch Stream Playlistでもご覧いただけます。


  • Essential16
  • Professional83
  • アセット作成22
  • オーディオ1
  • 境界ボックス0
  • クリッピング7
  • 変形1
  • コマ送り3
  • IKコンストレイント23
  • リンク済みメッシュ12
  • メッシュ66
  • パス・コンストレイント10
  • 物理コンストレイント14
  • 斜め視点4
  • スキン25
  • ティントブラック0
  • トランスフォーム・コンストレイント26
  • バインディングをアップデート9
  • ウェイト69
  • フィルターをクリア
  • Food App Animations in Spine Pt.2/2

    Let's rig and animate two more simple food app illustrations in Spine ESS and PRO!
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    Meal Delivery
    00:01 Meal Delivery ESS Setup
    00:04 Meal Delivery ESS animation
    00:16 Meal Delivery PRO features
    00:19 Result
    Meal Ready
    00:20 Meal Ready ESS Setup
    00:21 Meal Ready ESS animation
    00:25 PRO only - Meal Ready Box Perspective setup
    00:16 PRO only - Meal Ready meshes
    00:26 Meal Ready PRO animation
    00:30 PRO only - Meal Ready perspective animation
    00:27 Pan animation speed adjusted
    00:28 Stream Result
  • Food App Animations in Spine Pt.1/2

    Let's rig and animate two simple food app illustrations in Spine ESS and PRO!
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    00:00 Introduction
    List Search
    00:01 List Search Bones creation
    00:04 List Search animation
    00:12 Result
    Cooking Pan
    00:12 Cooking Pan Bones creation
    00:15 PRO only - Pan Perspective setup
    00:16 PRO only - Pan meshes
    00:22 Cooking Pan animation
    00:30 PRO only - Cooking Pan perspective animation
    00:30 Stream Result
  • Add lipsync with Rhubarb in Spine

    Learn how to add lipsync animations to Spine using Rhubarb in this tutorial on an advanced face rig with Erika. Blue hat girl painted by Mattia Rangoni.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:01 Download and launch Rhubarb
    00:03 Set the mouth poses animations
    00:05 Export the mouth poses
    00:06 Mouth slot creation and population
    00:07 Set the audio events
    00:08 Export a JSON next to the project file
    00:08 Rhubarb in action
    00:09 Reimport the JSON
    00:10 Lipsync results straight from Rhubarb
    00:10 Replacing the mouth poses with keys
    00:11 Fixing inbetweens
    00:12 Adding eyeblink and head movement
    00:14 Conclusion
    00:15 Stream result
  • Adding depth and physics to a face rig in Spine

    Erika shows how to add depth and physics constraints to a previously rigged face on this blue hat girl painted by Mattia Rangoni.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:01 Setting the transform constraints
    00:03 Face turn test animation
    00:04 Face weights
    00:13 Hair base
    00:15 Hat weights and weld
    00:21 Ribbon mesh and bones
    00:22 Hair bones
    00:23 Hair physics contraints
    00:24 Ribbon weights and physics contraints
    00:24 Hair weights
    00:26 Adding depth to the test animation
    00:27 Back hair mesh bound to the new bones
    00:27 Recording some audio for the next session
  • Advanced Mouth and Eye Rig

    Erika shows how to rig an advanced mouth setup and eyes with a separate set of closed eyelids in Spine on this blue hat girl painted by Mattia Rangoni.
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    00:00 Introduction
    00:03 Initial bones creation
    00:09 Mouth paths
    00:11 Face mesh focused on the mouth
    00:16 Advanced mouth setup with path constraints
    00:20 Binding the face mesh to the controls
    00:23 Mouth paths weights
    00:25 Mouth mesh weights
    00:29 Jaw setup
    00:29 Refining and mouth test animation
    00:31 Face mesh focused on the eyes and the rest of the features
    00:36 Binding the Eye bones to the face and eyeblink
    00:39 Eyelashes
    00:40 Eyelid patch mesh
    00:41 Closed eyes setup animation
    00:45 Alpha animation of the eyelids
    00:46 Eyeblink animation
    00:47 Eyebrows
    00:47 Conclusion and stream result
  • Magic Potion

    Let's rig and animate a potion with dynamic liquid levels and colors in Spine!
    00:00 Introduction
    00:00 PSD Import and images structure
    00:06 Physics constraint applied to the round glass
    00:7 Liquid rotator bone and Physics constraint setup
    00:09 Liquid top mesh
    00:12 Liquit top bones and transform constraint setup
    00:14 Liquid top weights and physics constraint
    00:19 Liquid top Limit
    00:21 Liquid level mesh
    00:21 Skins duplication for different colors
    00:24 Good Clipping VS Bad Clipping Explained
    00:33 Potion liquid clipping
    00:35 Liquid level bones and clipping weights
    00:36 Liquid level animations
    00:40 Rainbow color potion animation
    00:41 Liquid levels animations
    00:43 Sparkles idle animation and setup
    00:48 Making the reflection follow slower
    00:51 Drinking potion animation
    00:55 Final result and conclusion
  • Dinosaur Rig Challenge Pt.2/2 Body, Arms, Legs, Bags and Animation

    Erika completes the rig on a post-apocaliptic ciborg dinosaur illustration in Spine, and adds a sneezing animation to it.
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    00:00 Introduction
    00:01 Body mesh
    00:04 Back leg mesh
    00:06 Legs IK constraints
    00:07 Front leg mesh
    00:18 Arms meshes
    00:24 Bags meshes
    00:25 Physics constraint on the bags top
    00:25 Bags weights
    00:25 Cloth bones and physics constraints
    00:27 Upper front arm mesh
    00:27 Body patch
    00:28 Bags back perspective
    00:31 Sneezing animation
    00:35 Conclusion and result
  • Dinosaur Rig Challenge Pt.1/2 Bones, Tail and Head

    Erika starts rigging a post-apocaliptic ciborg dinosaur illustration in Spine, focusing on the tail, neck and head of the creature.
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    00:00 Introduction
    00:02 Bones creation
    00:19 Exporting a json compatible with v3.8
    00:20 Tail mesh
    00:21 Tail weights
    00:24 What is prune
    00:25 Adding internal vertices to the tail
    00:27 Perspective tail animation
    00:29 Adding physics constraints to the tail bones
    00:33 Neck mesh
    00:35 Collar mesh
    00:38 Adding details to the collar mesh
    00:40 Face mesh
    00:41 Face weights
    00:45 Jaw mesh
    00:46 Teeth
    00:49 Mouth inside and tongue
    00:52 Test animation
    00:53 Conclusion
  • Rigging the painting of Mr Constantin and Mrs Berggren Pt.2/2

    Erika shows how to rig a painting. Meshes for the faces are weighted and an animation is added.
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    00:00 Introduction
    00:01 Test expression animation
    00:03 Woman expression weights
    00:08 Man expression weights
    00:10 Constraints setup
    00:13 Test face movement animation
    00:14 Woman 2.5D weights
    00:23 Man 2.5D weights
    00:30 Idle animation
    00:43 Stream result and conclusion
  • Rigging the painting of Mr Constantin and Mrs Berggren Pt.1/2

    Erika shows how to rig a painting. Bones and meshes are added, and the weights are set to control their arms and bodies.
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    00:00 Introduction
    00:02 Bones creation
    00:06 Woman body mesh creation
    00:10 Woman face mesh creation
    00:20 Man mesh creation
    00:20 Binding the bones to the meshes
    00:25 Man arm mesh creation
    00:26 Setting the weights for the woman body
    00:34 Setting the weights for the man body
    00:37 Front arm rig and weights
    00:43 Conclusion and stream result
  • Meshes Basics in Spine

    Lear the basics of meshes in this lesson with Erika.
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    00:00 Introduction
    00:01 How a mesh works
    00:03 Simple mesh
    00:05 Bind
    00:06 Weights
    00:08 Don't move meshes in setup
    00:09 Test weights in an animation
    00:09 Simple meshes in a chain
    00:14 Tubular mesh
    00:17 Generate button
    00:21 Smooth
    00:22 Bones and meshes setups comparisons
    00:27 Leaves
    00:28 Semi-rigid meshes
    00:29 New mesh and hull vertex placement logic
    00:32 Update Bindings
    00:35 Changing a mesh so it can bend laterally
    00:38 Weld
    00:39 Meshes meant to be translated - Butterfly
    00:42 Bird wing mesh
    00:45 Meshes with a bone translating in the middle
    00:46 Orange edges
    00:47 Translating a bone in the middle
    00:49 Depth simulating meshes
    00:49 Direct deformations and metrics
    00:52 Mesh tools
    00:56 Conclusion
  • How to animate a walk easily in Spine

    Erika shows a fast method to animate a walk without sliding feet in Spine.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:02 Setting the speed using a container bone
    00:02 Hips movement
    00:03 Placing the feet
    00:05 Copy the bone world transform trick
    00:06 Remove the container key at the end to use the animation in game
    00:07 Adjusting the feet position with key Adjust
    00:08 Tilting the body bones
    00:08 Animating the arms and shoulders
    00:10 Head movement
    00:11 Eyes looking in the right direction
    00:11 Jacket bones with Physics constraints
    00:13 Stream result
  • How to rig a body and face to make them seem 3D

    Erika shows how to rig shoulders and body to make a jacket seem solid, as well as hair and a head.
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    00:00 Introduction
    00:00 Duplicating the eye
    00:01 Bending the body
    00:12 How to apply precise weights when you can't lock them
    00:15 Adding depth to the body
    00:20 Adding depth to the jacket
    00:29 Face controls and inverse transform constraint
    00:31 Face depth
    00:34 Hair
    00:40 Stream result
  • How to rig an eye and perfect leg bone IKs

    Erika shows how to create an eyeblink animation in Spine and how to avoid bones moving when creating an IK constraint for the legs.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:00 Color coding bones
    00:00 Leg IKs
    00:01 Fixing the issue of bones moving when creating an IK
    00:06 Facial features bones creation
    00:11 Eyeblink test animation
    00:12 Eyelashes meshes creation and weighting
    00:20 Upper eyelid mesh creation and weighting
    00:23 Linked meshes
    00:25 Lower eyelid mesh creation and weighting
    00:28 Refining the meshes
    00:30 Eyeblink animation refining
    00:30 Conclusion and stream result
  • Vampire and Basic Skin - First import and basic bones

    Erika imports the basic skin and vampire skins inside Spine, creating tinted skins and aligning basic bones.
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    00:00 Introduction and Photoshop Export
    00:02 JSON import in Spine
    00:06 Tinting different skin colors quickly with a Find and Replace trick
    00:10 Fixing overlapping artifacts with the Empty image trick
    00:14 First bones creation logic
    00:18 Easy alignment of arm joints using the preview view
    00:22 Leg bones creation
    00:24 Head bones
    00:25 Other leg duplication
    00:27 Other arm duplication
    00:31 PSD export of the current pose to redraw incorrect parts
    00:32 Stream End
  • Skins Basics in Spine

    Learn how to create a skin in Spine from scratch, import a recolor, change the proportions of your character and use skin bones and constraints in this tutorial with Erika.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:00 Adding a skin from scratch inside Spine
    00:06 Duplicating a Skin
    00:07 Tinting Attachments
    00:08 Linked meshes compared to normal meshes
    00:10 Importing and adding a skin recolor
    00:13 Adding the same item with variations to every skin
    00:17 Show all skin attachments option
    00:18 Remove missing images in two clicks
    00:19 Adding a new linked mesh from scratch
    00:21 Skin bones
    00:23 Warnings
    00:24 Physics constraint on the lamp
    00:25 Skin constraints and the skin target bone
    00:30 Skins view
    00:32 Skin constraints for different proportions
    00:36 Adjusting constraints mixes in animations
    00:39 Conclusion
  • Asset creation for Spine in Procreate - Basic Shading and Facial Features

    Erika shows how to create assets for Spine using Procreate by shading the default common skin and adding features and details to it.
    00:00 Introduction
    00:01 Basic skin shading
    00:05 Shade color variations
    00:06 Pencil details
    00:07 Facial features details
    00:07 Eye parts creation
    00:10 Vest
    00:11 Canvas resizing
    00:12 Stream End
  • Asset creation for Spine in Procreate - Sketch and Basic Shapes

    Erika shows how to create assets for Spine using Procreate by sketching various skin ideas and then defining the basic shapes of the default common skin.
    00:00 Introduction
    00:00 Canvas dimension
    00:01 Initial sketch planning
    00:05 Witch sketch
    00:06 Vampire sketch
    00:07 Demon sketch
    00:08 Gorgon sketch
    00:08 Explaining basic color and shading choices
    00:10 Basic shapes creation
    00:12 Leg joints creation
    00:16 A common mistake of not drawing everything behind
    00:17 Spineboy in a Snowball timelapse
    00:19 Arm basic shapes
    00:20 Conclusion
  • Snowglobe Spineboy - 2.5D Face and Animations

    Erika rigs Spineboy's face, hair and hat, completing this project with a shaken snowglobe animation and physics constraints.
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    00:00 Introduction
    00:04 Face base mesh 09:54 Eyelashes meshes
    00:10 Face bones creation
    00:13 Face test animation
    00:15 Face transform constraints creation
    00:17 Face weights and eyeblink animation
    00:20 Hair base
    00:31 Eye whites and irises
    00:33 Hair strands
    00:35 Elf ears
    00:37 Hat
    00:41 Physics constraints
    00:42 Gifts rotating setup and animation
    00:46 Snow
    00:48 Spineboy floating idle animation
    00:49 Shoelaces
    00:50 Shake animation
    00:51 Tuning the physics contraints
    00:52 Stream result and conclusion
  • Snowglobe Spineboy - 2.5D Body using the Missing Link technique

    What if we skipped a bone or two to create a better fake 3D effect? Explore this technique with Erika and combine it with physics in the Spine editor!
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    00:00 Introduction
    00:01 Leg bones creation
    00:04 Leg meshes
    00:13 Leg physics constraints
    00:15 Body meshes
    00:19 Body physics constraints
    00:21 Arms meshes
    00:25 Arms physics constraints
    00:25 Present Gift
    00:27 Scarf Ribbons simple meshes
    00:28 Scarf Ribbons physics constraints
    00:29 Scarf Ribbons more detailed meshes
    00:36 How to use Mesh Wireframe
    00:38 Physics constraint on gifts and Spineboy
    00:40 Stream result and conclusion
  • Snowglobe Spineboy - 2.5D Effects Basics

    The video to start with if you're new to 2.5 Effects and want to learn the basics of how to simulate 3D depth using only 2D images in Spine. Erika shows 3 different approaches to this technique, plus the last one applied to a more complex object.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:00 Container and Control Setup - Bones creation
    00:01 Cube Mesh Creation
    00:05 Container and Control Setup - Cube Weights
    00:12 Container and Control Setup - Attaching a mesh on top
    00:16 Control and Inverse Setup - Bones creation
    00:19 Control and Inverse Setup - Transform Constraint
    00:20 Control and Inverse Setup - Weights
    00:23 Control and Inverse Setup - Attaching a mesh on top
    00:25 Container and Control Setup with different pivot
    00:27 Snowglobe Mesh
    00:27 Snowglobe Weights
    00:30 Conclusion
  • Snowglobe Spineboy - Overview and start

    Erika starts working on a version of Spineboy in a Snowglobe surrounded by presents.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:01 Images structure and logic
    00:08 Initial bones creation
  • How to rig a character for physics in Spine - Face rig, skirt, swing, animations

    Erika completes the character on the swing rig for physics constraints in the 4.2 beta.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:00 Skirt
    00:08 Ropes
    00:10 Face
    00:21 Hands on ropes
    00:22 Swing
    00:24 Eyeblink animation
    00:26 Wing flap animation
    00:30 Feet animation
    00:30 Conclusion
  • How to rig a character for physics in Spine - Body, Wings, and Hair meshes

    Erika rigs several parts of a character and tunes them for physics constraints in the 4.2 beta.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:00 Wings
    00:07 Legs
    00:12 Hair
    00:18 Jabot
    00:20 Chest
    00:23 Arms
    00:26 Body Up
    00:30 Stream Result
  • How to rig a character for physics in Spine - Bone creation

    Erika starts creating bones on a humanoid character in Spine with the intention of using them with physics constraints in the 4.2 beta.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:00 The logic to divide pieces for animation
    00:02 Where to place the first bone and why
    00:03 Bones creation
    00:15 Feathers meshes
    00:19 Feather bones physics constraints
    00:20 Summary and plan for next time
  • Let's try the new physics constraints in Spine!

    Erika tests physics in Spine using a series of downloadable projects and explains how physics constraints work in the 4.2 beta.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:01 See Physics in action on the cloud pot project
    00:02 Physics appied to the Dudes project
    00:04 Physics comparisons on various bones setups and explanation of the properites
    00:13 Setting Physics costraints from scratch on the cloud pot project
  • Let's Create Telegram Stickers! + Bonus Discord Stickers

    Create stickers for Telegram and Discord with Erika.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:00 Spineboy photoshop setup tour
    00:01 Spineboy Spine setup
    00:03 Bones creation
    00:05 Face meshes weights
    00:06 Inverse Transform constraint setup for the face
    00:08 Shrug emote animation
    00:09 Sweat emote animation
    00:11 Wave emote animation
    00:12 Scared emote animation
    00:14 Spine WEBM export settings for Telegram
    00:15 Creating a stickers set in Telegram through Stickerbot @Stickers
    00:18 Spine APNG export settings for Discord
    00:20 Shrinking the APNGs further with TinyPNG
    00:20 Importing the Stickers on Discord
    00:22 Conclusion
  • Rigging new poses tutorial

    Learn how to rig meshes for new poses in your animations in this festive stream.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:02 Bones creation and tips
    00:04 Alt-pose-animation creation
    00:04 Setup pose meshes creation and weights
    00:09 Activate all the new images in setup
    00:10 New meshes creation
    00:11 Bind all the new meshes to the root
    00:11 Activate the new meshes in the alternative setup pose
    00:12 Align the bones to the new images
    00:14 Additional hand bone creation
    00:15 Parent the new meshes to the bones while in the alternative setup animation
    00:17 Test and change the weights in a test animation
    00:18 Thumbs up animation example
    00:20 Edit the weights mid-animation
    00:21 How to edit the mesh to add or remove vertices
    00:23 Hand-holder bone weight to simulate arm perspective
    00:25 How to add bones to be used specifically with the new meshes
    00:27 Conclusion
  • 404 page animation - Vortex setup, Animation, and Coding

    Erika completes the setup in Spine and readapts the example code to work with the exported files so that they are all in a self-contained HTML file.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:03 Spineboy setup tour
    00:04 Vortex images setup and bones creation
    00:06 Particle bone creation
    Vortex idle
    00:06 Vortex idle animation
    00:07 Separating the Spineboy idle from the Vortex idle
    00:08 Changing the interface background to white
    00:08 Copying and pasting the scale keyframes
    Directional animations
    00:10 Left animation creation
    00:14 Fixing the draw order of the vortices
    00:15 Making the left animation seamless by copying and pasting the transforms
    00:17 Right animation creation by removing the minus in the translate coordinates of the left animazion keyframes
    00:18 Up animation creation
    00:19 Down animation creation
    Fine tuning the animations
    00:20 Particle animation
    00:22 Adapting Spineboy position to every direction animation
    00:24 Spineboy idle animation
    Interactive webpage creation
    00:25 JSON Export
    00:27 Opening the example HTML
    00:27 Generating the Data URI for the PNG Image and integrating it in the HTML
    00:28 Generating the Base64 file for the Atlas
    00:30 Generating the Base64 file for the Json
    00:30 Replacing all the names that refer to the owl with the vortex
    00:31 Making sure the new animations name match in the HTML
    00:32 Invert left and right animation so that they follow the mouse better
    00:32 Changing the background color
    00:32 Final result in the browser
    Wallpaper changer setup
    00:33 Setting up an interactive wallpaper in Wallpaper changer
    00:34 Final result and how to publish your wallpaper
    00:35 End of stream talk and final result plus tips
  • 404 page animation - Spineboy rig

    In this video Erika sets the rig to simulate depth on Spineboy in Spine.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:04 A nice trick to expand and collapse all the nodes quickly
    00:05 Setting the two main bones that control Spineboy's motion
    00:08 Body mesh creation and explanation of where to place vertices
    00:12 Head mesh creation and explanation of where to place vertices
    00:14 Answering how to decide where to use yellow lines on meshes
    00:16 Test animation creation
    00:19 Binding the head mesh
    00:22 Using compensation and update bindings on an already weighted mesh
    00:23 Binding the body mesh and setting weights
    00:24 Answering how to approach images with the intent of making them move in 2.5D
    00:27 Feet bones creation
    00:28 Feet and legs meshes creation
    00:33 Feet and legs weights
    00:36 Adding influence of front control instead of the feet bones to avoid the legs detaching from the body when moving the feet bones
    00:37 Scale and rotation trick on 2.5D weighted meshes
    00:39 Arms meshes and weights
    00:43 End of stream result and chat
  • Rigging Helmet Pt.6

    Erika completes the North-East and North directions, therefore completing the turnaround.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:01 Turning the attachments into meshes for the North and North-East directions.
    00:02 Binding the meshes to the root
    00:03 Creating detailed meshes for all the missing directions
    00:04 Offset animation tip for beginners
    00:07 Creating more meshes
    00:08 Adding new frames to the turnaround animation
    00:09 Matching the bones to the new assets
    00:09 Using transform copy to match the position of bones at different frames
    00:13 Restoring the shoulder IKs after mirroring the bones
    00:13 Aligning the legs perfectly without bending the IK
    00:14 Binding all the meshes to their respective bones in the turnaround animation
    00:15 Adding a container bone to facilitate mirroring Helmet
    00:16 Creating a test animation to test the weights
    00:18 Using the container to create the complete turnaround
    00:19 Binding and weighting some missing meshes
    00:20 Final result and considerations
  • Rigging Helmet Pt.5

    Erika completes the South-East direction and begins the East direction.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    South-East Direction
    00:02 SE Right arm weights
    00:03 SE Sleeve weights
    00:04 SE Left arm weights
    00:05 SE Sleeve weights
    00:05 SE Body weights
    00:05 SE Right leg weights
    00:05 Fixing legs beding in the wrong direction
    00:06 SE Left leg weights
    East Direction
    00:06 Side view activation
    00:09 Turn all of the East images to meshes and binding them to the root
    00:10 Realigning the bones in the Turnaround animation
    00:12 Leg trick to have perfectly straight IKs again
    00:14 Meshes creation
    00:16 Binding the meshes to their respective bones
    00:17 Setting a new test animation by copying the frames from the turnaround
    00:18 Setting several simple meshes weights
    00:18 End of stream talk
  • Rigging Helmet Pt.4

    Erika completes the 2.5D South-East head effect.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:02 Activating the South direction in the turnaround animation
    00:04 Adjusting the eyes bones positions
    00:06 SE mouth mesh creation
    00:06 SE mouth binding in animete mode
    00:07 SE face weights
    00:08 SE cheek weights
    00:08 eyes weights
    00:10 Head test SE animation creation
    00:12 Interesting eye pupil trick
    00:13 SE mouth weights
    00:14 SE mouth mesh edit and rebinding
    00:17 Eye whites weight
    00:17 SE chin mesh
    00:19 SE teeth weights
    00:19 Open mouth test
    00:20 Ear weights base
    00:22 Ear weights so that they follow the face
    00:23 Tuning all weights
    00:24 Ear weights so that they follow the head in perspective
    00:25 End of stream talk
  • Rigging Helmet Pt.3

    Erika completes the 2.5D front head effect and begins the rigging of the South-East direction.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    Finishing the 2.5 face effect
    00:01 Finishing the 2.5 face
    00:02 Cheek weights
    00:03 Eye weights fine-tuning
    00:04 Ears weights fine-tuning
    00:05 Face weights fine-tuning
    00:05 Alternate mouths reparenting
    Rigging the South East direction
    00:06 Select and activate the images of the SE direction
    00:08 Explanation of the procedure
    00:09 Turnaround animation creation
    00:10 Example of the procedure on the eyebrow
    00:12 Why the stored binding position of the mesh is important
    00:14 How to deal with simple attachments for alternate positions
    00:15 It is possible to use the search bar in the tree to select all of the alternative images
    00:15 Turning all of the attachments into meshes
    00:16 Creating meshes for the SE direction images
    00:20 Adjusting the draw order in the turnaround animation
    00:23 Binding every mesh of the new direction to the root in Setup mode
    00:24 Matching the bones in animate mode to the new direction
    00:28 IK constraint for the legs creation
    00:29 Trick to reposition an IK so that it doesn't bend in an animation
    00:32 Binding the bones in the new position to the SE meshes and removing the root
    00:32 Recap of the stream
    00:33 Why this setup has many advantages and suggestions of use
  • Rigging Helmet Pt.2

    This second part focuses on reusing already created bones to mirror the other half of the skeleton, as well as adding a 2.5D head control system.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:01 Mirroring bones on the eye
    00:04 Mirroring the cheek bone
    00:05 Creating the mesh for the left ear
    00:07 Left ear bones mirroring
    00:08 Left ear weights
    00:11 Right arm mesh
    00:12 Right arm weights
    00:13 Left leg mesh
    00:15 Leg structure duplicate
    00:15 Renaming bones using Regular Expressions RegEx
    00:17 Mirroring the leg bones
    00:19 Right leg mesh
    00:19 Both legs weights
    00:22 Mirroring the arm bones
    00:25 Left arm mesh
    00:27 Left shoulder IK
    00:28 Effects bone creation
    00:28 Eyebrow bone mirroring
    00:29 Head control explanation and setup
    00:32 Head mesh
    00:35 Head weights
    00:38 Eye-white meshes
    00:39 Features holder bone setup
    00:42 Nose mesh
    00:44 Nose weights
    00:45 Chin mesh and bone
    00:47 Chin weights
    00:49 Mouth and teeth meshes
    00:51 Final result of the stream
  • Rigging Helmet Pt.1

    Exporting a multi-direction character for Spine and rigging half of the front view.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:00 Photoshop file panoramic
    00:05 Json import in Spine
    00:10 Bones creation
    00:24 T-shirt mesh creation
    00:27 Weighting the t-shirt mesh and considerations on binding
    00:31 The correct way to bind a mesh to bones
    00:34 Adding a tummy bone control
    00:39 Ear mesh and weights
    00:46 Sleeve mesh
    00:49 Arm-holder bone creation
    00:52 Shoulder bones setup
    00:56 End of the stream talk
  • Last stream of the year! Update bindings on frame animations

    Rigging various frames in different directions thanks to update bindings.
    Download Files
    0:00 Introduction
    0:03 Comparison with 8-direction-chara project
    0:07 Resuming organization on the elements-boy
    0:08 Applying different colors to the attachments in Spine
    0:26 Two different ways of importing a reference for the new direction
    0:23 Turnaround animation creation
    0:37 Alternate leg mesh
    0:39 Binding the leg
    0:41 First brief explanation of Update bindings for a mew pose
    0:46 Discussing the rig of a bent leg reusing the same bones
    0:48 Setting all the keyframes active in a dummy animation for the south-east walk
    0:54 Stretchy IK creation
    0:57 Fixing the bending of the IK for the current animation
    0:58 Matching the bones with the frames of the animations
    1:02 Binding all the legs to the correct bones, plus a bone that doesn't move
    1:04 Using update bindings to add a bone to an already rigged leg from an alternate pose
    1:06 Explaining Update bindings on the more bent leg
    1:08 Applying update bindings on the more stretched away leg frame
    1:10 Fine-tuning the weights by scrubbing through the animation
    1:15 Creating a new test animation for the frontal South walk
    1:18 A comparison with the original frame-by-frame animation
    1:20 Activating all the frames in a sequence
    1:21 Creating meshes for all the front legs
    1:28 Binding all the bones to each leg mesh
    1:31 Realigning the bones to match the frames in the animation
    1:35 Explaining update bindings while applying it to the first front leg frame
    1:51 Applying Update bindings on another leg frame that has no foot
    1:55 A preview of the animation
    1:58 Showing the skins panel
    2:02 Using the new Skin placeholder creation options in a basic skin so that all the linked meshes are in the same skin
  • From frame-to-frame to Spine! Pt. 2

    Preparing the assets in Photoshop, animating snow in Spine and starting to rig the character.
    Download Files
    0:00 Introduction
    Video overlay export for OBS
    0:04 Exporting the video of a dancing tree for OBS overlay
    0:07 Adding the exported video to OBS
    0:09 Snow assets creation
    0:13 Snow Json import in Spine
    0:17 Snow animation
    0:51 Snow export and placing on stream
    Photoshop organization
    0:53 Resuming the PSD organization of the Elements boy - south east
    1:57 modifying the hair and feet to get the north east direction
    2:10 Photoshop export
    Spine rigging
    2:15 JSON import in Spine and reordering some layers
    2:29 grouping all the symbols under the correct skin placeholders
    2:35 Arm mesh creation
    2:37 First bones creation
    2:43 Arm weights
    2:51 Duplicating and mirroring the arm
    2:53 Leg mesh creation
    2:59 Leg bones creation
    3:03 Leg weights
  • From frame-to-frame to Spine! Pt. 1

    Preparing the assets in Photoshop to be correctly imported in Spine when they include directions, skins, and frame-by-frame elements.
    0:00 Introduction
    0:08 Tour of the file
    0:17 Tagging the East direction
    1:23 Scheme of the structure
    1:32 New Type-to-filter demonstration
    2:04 West direction tagging
    2:17 South direction tagging
    2:38 The little story of how these assets are related to Spine
    3:05 Helping think about a squashy rear control in Spine
  • Animating Delilah - Call of Guardians loading screen Pt. 2

    Animating her face, the smoke, shards, particles, and the diamond effects. Loading screen by GungHo.
    0:00 Introduction
    0:03 Head mesh
    0:20 Head binding
    0:21 Transform constraint creation
    0:23 Dummy animation creation and weights
    1:07 Separating a bone that has animation from the constraint
    1:12 Update bindings explained
    1:13 Update bindings demostration
    1:17 Actual head animation
    1:28 Arm behind mesh
    1:31 Arm behind binding and weights
    1:49 Background chains
    1:56 More background chains meshes
    1:59 Background chains binding and meshes
    2:05 Foreground shards
    2:17 Blue Crystal mesh
    2:27 Crystal pink rays effect
    2:44 Foreground smoke animation
    3:10 Background shards animation
    3:23 Smoke swirl
    3:35 Statue animation
    3:40 Smoke swirl side
    3:47 Final result
  • Animating Delilah - Call of Guardians loading screen Pt. 1

    Animating cloth, hair, a cape, the body and a hand. Loading screen by GungHo.
    0:00 Introduction
    0:15 Skins panel brief tour
    0:18 Goggles reflection question
    0:28 Bones creation
    0:44 Cloth mesh
    0:52 Cloth binding and weights
    1:10 Cloth animation
    1:30 Hair mesh
    1:33 Hair binding
    2:41 Cape mesh
    2:48 Body mesh
    2:57 Test animation for body deformation
    3:12 Chest deformation
    3:51 Hand mesh
  • Animating Magnus - Call of Guardians loading screen Pt. 3

    Creating smoke effects and ember twirling. Loading screen by GungHo.
    0:00 Introduction
    0:05 Weighting the first soldier in the bg
    0:10 Weighting the second soldier
    0:12 Weighting the third soldier
    0:17 Weighting the fourth soldier
    0:20 Animating the soldiers
    0:29 Exporting Magnus for an OBS overlay in v3.6
    0:36 Importing Magnus in OBS, but it's too big
    0:38 Exporting Magnus for an OBS overlay in v3.7 beta
    0:45 Animating the soldiers again
    0:58 Smoke mesh
    1:05 Second smoke mesh and bad internet
    1:10 Smoke animation
    1:19 Smoke trail bones creation
    1:21 Smoke trail animation
    1:28 Separating the ember parts in Photoshop
    1:32 Creating bones for the ember in Spine
    1:35 Animating the ember bones
    1:51 Finished result
  • Animating Magnus - Call of Guardians loading screen Pt. 2

    Rigging and animating robotic-armored character. Loading screen by GungHo.
    0:00 Introduction
    0:05 Blade mesh creation
    0:11 bones creation for 2.5D effect on the blade
    0:14 Blade mesh binding and weights
    Various little details
    0:34 Clipping mask creation to frame the scene
    0:37 Minor tubes mesh and weights
    0:38 Back pipe mesh and weights
    Back shoulder
    0:39 Back shoulder mesh creation
    0:43 Back shoulder weights
    0:51 Duplicating the shoulder to have it both in front and behind the body
    Back arm
    0:57 Back arm mesh
    0:58 Back arm binding and weights
    1:00 Cape mesh creation
    1:07 Cape bones creation
    1:08 Cape mesh binding
    1:09 Cape bones animation trick
    1:12 Editing the mesh to add a little more vertices to the cape
    Animating the main character
    1:22 Back pipes mesh and weights
    1:24 Animating the main character
    Middle tank
    2:25 Middle tank mesh creation
    2:26 Middle tank weights
    2:27 Middle tank animation
    Front tank
    2:48 Front tank
    2:57 Front tank binding
    2:58 Front tank animation and weights
    Back tank
    3:16 duplicating the explosion animation
    3:24 Smoke mesh
    3:28 Smoke binding and weights
    3:31 Smoke animation
    4:01 Duplicating the smoke bones and mesh
    4:25 Debris bones creation and animation
    4:31 Front smoke mesh creation
    4:34 Front smoke bones creation
    4:36 Front smoke weights and animation
    4:46 Troops mesh creation
    4:49 Troops bones creation
    4:51 End of the stream result
  • Animating Magnus - Call of Guardians loading screen Pt. 1

    Rigging a robotic-armored chatacter. Loading screen by GungHo.
    0:00 Introduction
    0:02 Export from Photoshop
    0:02 Import in Spine
    0:06 Bones creation
    0:15 Body mesh creation
    0:22 Additional bones creation for 2.5D effect
    0:28 Binding bones to the Body mesh
    0:28 Transform constraint creation for 2.5D effect
    0:30 Body weights - legs
    0:51 Additional bone creation for 2.5D effect on the head and head weights
    Front arm
    1:19 Front arm mesh creation
    1:27 Front arm mesh binding to bones
    1:28 Weights adjustment
    Left leg
    1:48 Mesh creation
    1:50 Binding and weights of the leg
    2:06 Body chest weights
    2:24 End of stream result
  • Animating Damien Pt. 2 - Final

    The final clip of Call of Guardians loading screen of Damien riding a chariot.
    0:00 Introduction
    0:03 Adding more detail to the head mesh
    0:26 Adjusting the chariot weights
    0:44 Adjusting the hand rope animation
    0:47 Long rope mesh creation
    0:48 Second rope mesh creation
    0:50 Smoke mesh creation
    0:52 Lantern bone creation and animation
    0:58 Smaller lantern bone creation
    1:00 Ropes bones creation
    1:04 Ropes meshes binding and weights
    1:23 Background animation
    1:52 Fog animation
    1:55 Chariot weights and animation refining
    2:05 Final result
  • Animating Damien Pt. 1

    Call of Guardians loading screen of Damien riding a chariot.
    0:00 Introduction
    0:02 Cutting some levels in Photoshop for animation
    0:16 Photoshop To Spine export
    0:27 Explaining where to place vertices on a face
    0:33 Spine JSON import
    Face and bones
    0:34 Face mesh
    0:56 Bones creation
    1:04 Clipping creation to define the scene area
    1:07 Head controls bones creation for 2.5D effect
    1:11 Face mesh binding and weights
    2:02 Body mesh creation
    2:11 Changing hair color animation for a user question
    2:13 Body mesh binding and weights
    Arm behind
    2:23 Arm behind mesh
    2:24 Arm behind weights
    2:25 Arm behind IK constraint
    Hand ropes
    2:28 Rope meshes
    2:30 Rope bones creation and weights
    2:32 Other little rope bone and weights
    Front hair
    2:34 Front hair mesh creation
    2:36 Front hair binding and weights
    2:50 Legs IK constraints
    Back chariot
    2:58 Chariot bones
    2:58 Chariot mesh creation
    3:02 Chariot weights
    Front chariot
    3:06 Front chariot little parts meshes
    3:08 Front chariot mesh
    3:14 Front chariot binding
    3:31 Chariot animation
    3:49 Damien animation
  • Rigging and Animating Doc C - Final

    The finishing clip of Doc C's animation. Loading screen by GungHo.
  • Rigging and Animating Doc C

    Rigging and animation of a crowded scene in Spine. Loading screen by GungHo.
  • Animating Helvia - Call of Guardians - Finish

    Loading screen by GungHo for the game Call of Guardians.
  • Animating Helvia - Call of Guardians

    Loading screen by GungHo for the game Call of Guardians.
  • Animating Vianna and Helvia

    Loading screen by GungHo for the game Call of Guardians.
  • Animating Vianna Pt.1

    Loading screen by GungHo for the game Call of Guardians.
  • Animating a logo and mascotte for a splash screen

    Funtix made this cute parrot that will sing out the letters on a mobile app loading screen.
    0:00 Introduction and Photoshop overview
    0:13 Photoshop to Spine export
    Spine Setup
    0:14 Spine import
    0:15 Planning the animation
    0:17 Bones creation - letters
    0:22 Bones creation - body
    0:28 Leg mesh
    0:32 Compensating bones position
    0:34 Leg binding and weights
    0:35 Leg final result
    0:36 Other leg mesh
    0:40 Other leg binding and weights
    0:41 Solving mesh problems with something curved
    0:43 Beak mesh
    0:50 Lower beak mesh
    0:54 Changing the bone pivot
    1:00 Converting a bone from length to null
    1:00 Body mesh
    1:02 Body weights
    1:05 Wing mesh
    1:15 Second wing mesh
    Final setup touches
    1:16 Animation planning
    1:17 Turning the letters transparent in setup mode
    1:20 Color-coding the bones
    Animating flapping wings
    1:26 Animating flapping wings
    1:30 Why a mesh might bend the wrong way and how to fix it
    1:43 More flying wings animation
    1:49 Adding rotation keys
    Landing animation
    1:51 Animating the landing - first keys
    1:53 Animating wings flapping in a simpler way
    1:58 Animating the legs on landing without IK
    2:00 Adding secondary motion on landing - Body and beak
    2:03 Closing the eye
    Container bone
    2:05 Adding a container bone to make squash and stretch easier
    Anticipation and growl animation
    2:09 Making the eye look one side and the other
    2:17 Anticipation animation on the body
    2:19 Adjusting feet and everything else to match
    2:23 Storing bones selections
    Letters animation
    2:33 Animating the letters out of the mouth - first take
    3:18 Getting the first 3 letters out first
    Turning the other side and final touches
    3:22 Making the body turn the other side
    3:26 Making the last 3 letters come out from the reflected side
    3:44 Adding wings flapping and other interesting little animations
    3:49 Adjusting the legs bouncing
    4:01 Adding rear feathers animation
    4:05 Adjusting the beak animation
    4:11 Fixing the letters coming out of the mouth
    4:17 Fine tuning the landing of the letters
    4:25 Adding scale to the letters to make them bounce more
    4:52 Using curves to overshoot the letters landing
    4:56 Making the eye look down when the letters are in place
    4:59 Final result
  • Animating a tuna on a rocket Pt. 2

    Animating a tuna on a rocket for www.mia-platform.eu.
    0:00 Introduction
    0:02 Rocket trajectory mesh
    0:05 Trajectory first bone creation
    0:10 clouds bone creation and centering
    0:14 Trajectory path creation
    0:26 Tuna on rocket transform constraint creation
    0:33 Trajectory bone splitting
    0:34 Trajectory mesh binding
    0:35 Trajectory weights
    0:37 Long meshes creation tips
    0:38 Trajectory path constraint creation
    0:46 Trail reversed to accomodate the path direction
    0:48 Correct path constraint creation
    0:53 Changing trajetory color
    0:55 Path trail animation
    Tuna falling animation
    1:01 Separating the tuna from the rocket
    1:03 Tuna falling animation
    1:32 Tuna catching the rocket
    1:39 Additional clouds bones creation
    1:41 Clouds animation
    Finishing touches
    1:57 Refining the tuna catching the rocket
    2:07 Animating the tuna eyes
    2:12 Applying a long smear to the tuna
    3:14 End of stream result
  • Animating a tuna on a rocket Pt. 1

    Preparing assets and exporting them with Illustrator to Spine script, rigging in Spine.
    0:00 Introduction
    0:02 Illustrator file clean up
    0:06 Illustrator script download
    0:08 Illustrator script export overview
    0:54 Illustrator export
    1:03 Spine images import
    1:19 Front rocket wing mesh creation
    1:21 Tuna bones creation
    Tuna arm
    1:27 Tuna arm mesh
    1:29 Tuna arm binding and weights
    1:31 Duplicate the arm
    Tuna fins
    1:34 Tuna fin mesh creation
    1:35 Tuna fin weights
    1:42 Tuna upper fin mesh
    1:45 Tuna upper fin weights
    Tuna body
    1:47 Tuna body mesh
    1:50 Tuna body mesh binding
    1:50 Additional mouth bone creation
    2:01 Tuna mouth weights
    Rocket setup
    2:45 Rocket 2.5D bones and constraint creation
    2:47 Rocket body mesh creation
    2:29 Rocket body mesh binding and weights
    2:56 Rocket fron wing binding and weights
    2:57 Rocket back wing mesh and weights
    2:59 Rocket sparkle mesh
    3:04 Rocket tail mesh
    3:08 Rocket eyes bones
    3:13 End of stream result
  • Creating assets for RPG Games Pt. 3

    RPG Assets creation in Photoshop.
  • Creating assets for RPG Games Pt. 2

    RPG Assets creation in Photoshop.
  • New Spine features tour and QA - RPG assets creation

    Small tour around the new export features and assets creation in Photoshop.
    Spine new features tour
    0:00 Introduction
    0:01 New export settings tour
    0:20 New stretchy IKs
    0:24 Apngs little demo
    Assets sketching
    0:28 RPG assets creation
    0:33 Head base creation
    0:41 Making the colors changeable with a trick
    0:45 Mouth slot
    0:59 Ears base
    Questions answering
    1:11 Spine export texture packer demo
    1:32 Shapes sketching
    Update Bindings demo
    2:13 Sketching somprero guy
    2:26 Photoshop export
    2:27 Json import in Spine
    2:28 Bones creation
    2:32 Head-front mesh
    2:34 Head-front weights
    2:36 Replacing the front with the profile image, and reusing the same bone
    2:37 Head-side mesh
    2:38 head-side bind
    2:39 Update bindings in action
    2:43 Poncho mesh
    2:44 Poncho weights
    2:47 Posing the arm in a way the old poncho mesh doesn't work
    2:47 Alt poncho mesh
    2:49 Alt poncho binding
    2:50 Using update bindings on the alt poncho
  • Let's animate a birthday Moo!

    Celebrating a birthday by rigging a lovely dog.
    Download Files
    0:00 Introduction and Photoshop Moo finalization
    0:41 Cake creation
    0:57 Candle creation
    1:09 Presents creation
    1:32 Photoshop export
    Spine setup
    1:35 Spine Json import
    1:37 Candle bones creation
    1:41 Candles placing
    1:50 Moo bones creation
    2:00 Tail mesh
    2:01 Paw mesh
    2:02 Paw weights
    2:03 Tail weights
    2:15 Tongue mesh
    2:16 Tongue weights
    2:17 Jaw mesh
    2:18 Jaw weights
    2:20 Face control transform constraint
    2:21 Face mesh
    2:23 Face weights
    2:26 Nose mesh and weights
    2:30 Eye masks meshes and weights
    2:39 Eyes meshes and weights
    2:53 Ear meshes and weights
    2:58 Hat mesh and weights
    3:03 Body mesh
    3:06 Body weights
    3:12 Birthday loop animation
    3:47 final result
  • Creating and animating a frog in Spine ESS

    Animating a frog in Spine Essential.
    0:00 Introduction and Photoshop assets finalization
    1:09 Setting the ruler guides for export and adding tags
    1:16 Photoshop export
    Spine setup
    1:08 Spine Json import
    1:23 Showing perks of ESS
    1:24 Trick 1 - Quick bone creation with autatic parented image and name
    1:26 Trick 2 - Use the pose tool instead of IK
    1:27 Bones creation
    1:34 Separating the head from the crown in photoshop and reexporting
    1:35 Replacing the body artwork and realignment of the pieces
    1:43 Setting up the tummy bones
    1:46 Setting up the tongue controls
    1:48 Duplicating the leg
    1:52 Setting up the arm
    1:55 Duplicating the other arm
    1:58 Posing multiple bones with the pose tool
    1:58 Trick 3 - Disable rotation on some bones
    2:07 Reparenting the missing images
    Idle animation
    2:10 Idle animation
    2:34 Trick 4 scaling the tongue by having the pieces divided in sections
    Jump animation
    2:52 Jump animation
    3:33 Final result
  • Treasure chests and loots in Spine

    See how you can animate a treasure chest with sparkling diamonds in Spine.
    0:00 Introduction and Photoshop assets finalization
    1:13 Photoshop export
    1:16 Fisherpelican small overview
    Spine setup
    1:17 Importing the JSON to Spine
    1:21 First bone creation
    1:23 Creating a rotating animation for the light rays in the bg
    1:24 Reorder transforms constraints example
    1:33 Reparenting images and quick bones creation trick
    1:36 Placing alternate versions of the same asset in the same slot
    1:37 Chest meshes creation
    1:44 2.5D Controls creation
    1:47 Transform constraint setup
    1:50 Setting weights
    1:57 Adding a new bone and constraint to allow the chest to open
    2:03 Rigging the front lock
    2:13 Binding the alternate version of chest
    2:28 Chest opening animation
    2:42 Animating the light inside the chest
    2:47 Deforming mesh vertices directly vs Bone mesh deformation
    2:53 Making a gem pop out of the chest
    3:10 Adding blinky particles
    3:31 Final result
  • Health bars, loading bars, bars, in Spine

    Various examples of how to dinamically animate bars in Spine PRO.
    0:00 Introduction
    0:02 Assets creation
    0:57 Photoshop export
    Basic bar creation
    0:59 Spine import
    1:00 Bone creation
    1:01 Setting the color of the bar in an animation
    1:07 Creating basic meshes and realigning pieces
    1:08 Creating a second bone for the other side of the bar
    1:10 Binding the meshes to the bones
    Path constraint
    1:12 Path creation
    1:14 Coloring the shiny effect
    1:15 Bone creation for the shine effect
    1:16 Path binding to the bones
    1:17 Path constraint creation
    Basic animation
    1:18 Simple animation of the shiny effect
    1:21 Demonstrating dynamic resizing using the Preview view
    Customization of bars
    1:23 Adding points to the mesh
    1:26 Creating a second bar with a different color and style
    Corrections to the shiny effect
    1:27 Fixing assets in photoshop
    1:31 Importing the revised assets and mesh creation
    1:33 stretching the mesh to arrive to the other bone
    Creating a bar that gets filled
    1:39 Bones creation to separate the fill from the containing bar
    1:43 Duplicating and renaming bones
    1:45 setting the second path constraint
    1:48 Creating a bar fill animation
    1:55 New animation with different colors
    1:57 Explaining constraints order
    Adding sparkles
    2:00 Adding sparkles to the bar
    2:02 Stars bone creation and image import
    2:04 First star animation
    2:26 Adding 4 more stars
    Final result
    2:30 Demonstrating resizing of the bar in Preview view
    2:31 Fixing a path constraint value
    2:38 New golden bar animation with stars inside
    2:47 Fisherman brief overview
    2:49 Treasure chest sketch
  • Fishing in 2.5D - Animation in Spine

    Learn how to make the best use of only two bones for hands, wires, and more.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:01 Drawing arms bent is bad for rigging (intro)
    00:02 Boat front mesh and explanation of the logic behind it
    00:06 Using the wireframe of this mesh as guide for a second mesh
    00:10 Boat back mesh
    00:13 Inner boat parts meshes
    00:15 Explanation of how controls will be placed
    00:16 Setting up the boat bones
    00:18 Transform constraint creation
    00:21 Binding the bones to the boat meshes
    00:23 Creating a dummy animation for testing the weights
    00:26 Changing the weights
    00:28 stopping at an extreme position to set the mesh weights
    00:46 Reflection mesh
    00:49 Animation creation
    00:54 Using Mesh Tools - Soft selection to deform the water
    01:14 Setting up the mesh for the white wave of the boat
    01:31 Why rigging a curved arm is bad
    01:33 Arm bones creation
    01:38 Rigging a straight arm instead
    01:48 Copying the arm and making it darker
    01:51 Pelican bones planning
    01:54 Generating the mesh for the fishing pole
    01:55 Fishing rod bones creation
    02:00 Fishing wire mesh and bones
    02:12 Wire IK constraint
    02:18 Oar rigging
    02:27 Waves bones
    02:30 Waves animation
    03:05 Pelican body bones creation
    03:06 Pelican body mesh
    03:11 Pelican beak mesh
    03:21 Arms IK constraints
    03:28 Fishing animation
  • Fishing in 2.5D - Assets creation

    Assets creation for animating a boat in Spine.
    Download Files
    00:00 Introduction
    00:05 Sketch start
    00:13 Fisherpelican shetch
    00:23 Creating the actual shapes for the animation for the boat
    01:51 Creating the actual Pelican shapes
    02:45 Fishing pole creation
    02:50 Bait creation
    03:13 Fishing wire creation
    03:15 Boat reflection creation
    03:47 Photoshop export
  • 00:00 Introduction
    00:02 Animations done in last stream
    North walk animation
    00:05 Duplicate of South walk animation to use as base
    00:08 Fixing the weird keyframes caused by pasting the north position
    00:15 Tweaking the parts to work well in North direction
    00:23 Copying the feet from siuth direction to north direction
    01:08 Adjusting the path for the north direction
    01:12 Fixing sliding feet
    North-East walk animation
    01:22 Copying East direction to adapt it to North-East direction
    01:24 Removing the funny frames
    01:28 Making the arms head North-East
    01:31 Creating a circle to know where to place the diagonal paths
    01:35 Importing the circle in Spine
    01:37 Positioning the path
    01:39 Using the path as guide for the walk and to fix sliding feet
    01:54 Copying and pasting values to make the feet stay in place
    02:25 Fixing some keys in the South walk
    02:29 Fixing feet position in North-East walk
    South-East walk animation
    02:33 South-East walk from east walk
    02:35 Pasting the SouthEast direction from the turnaround animation
    02:36 Removing and fixing weird keyframes
    02:40 Adjusting the feet
    03:07 Making copies of the existing animations, then flipping the container bone to get the missing directions
  • 00:05 Introduction
    East walk animation
    00:09 Side view animation creation
    00:12 Making the legs IK bend in the correct direction
    00:16 Setting keyframes for the walk
    00:57 Creating a path to test the walk in the editor
    00:59 Creating a path constraint
    01:07 Keying the movement of the container on the path
    01:13 Adjusting the keyframes to remove the sliding feet
    01:30 Removing the keys to have it moving in place again
    South walk animation
    01:34 Reimporting the skeleton to have a reference for the new direction
    01:35 New animation creation
    01:38 Pasting the initial keyframes from the turnaround animation
    01:38 Pasting keyframes from the walk animation (such as the hips movement)
    02:49 Adapting the path to the south direction
    02:51 Ensuring the character doesn't rotate with the path
    02:58 Fixing sliding feet
  • 00:00 Introduction
    00:03 Explanation of the structure
    South-East direction
    00:05 Importing the JSON again as reference
    00:07 Making the south-east direction visible
    00:08 making the reference slots darker and transparent to create an easier reference of the silhouette
    00:09 New turnaround animation creation
    00:10 Aligning the skeleton pieces with the reference images
    00:20 Activating the current images at the established turnaround frame of the animation
    00:25 Using the preview view to speed up precise alignment of the images with the reference
    00:32 Aligning the face parts
    01:01 Keying the first pose to create an interpolation
    01:02 Realigning the sleeve images by copying and pasting the positions
    East direction
    01:09 Activating the reference images for East direction
    01:11 moving to frame 3 and activating all the images in the main skeleton for East direction
    01:13 removing unnecessary images attachments and skin placeholders
    01:16 aligning the foot image with the help of Preview view
    01:20 realigning the head features
    North-East direction
    01:25 Activating all the north east attachments
    01:31 Realigning the bones
    01:35 Explaining skins and skin placeholders briefly on the Cat project
    01:40 Changing the images to match the new direction
    01:51 Showing how Mesh Tools view works
    North direction
    01:59 Copying the South direction to use as base for the North one and activating the correct animations
    02:08 deactivating unused images, and changing the draw order
    All the other directions
    02:11 Creating a container bone to hold and flip the skeleton in editor
    02:17 Creating IK constraints for the legs
    02:20 Setting the position of the IK right in every animation
    02:23 Flipping the container bone to get the missing directions
    South Idle animation
    02:27 New animation
    02:34 First keyframes
    02:44 Final result
    South-East Idle animation
    02:45 Copying the keyframes from the other animations
    02:49 Tweaking the animation
    02:51 Creating a mesh for this body direction
    02:59 Face mesh
    03:01 New bone control for the face
    03:07 final animation result
    South-West Idle animation
    03:08 Duplicating the South east animation to use as base for South west animation by flipping the container bone
    North-West Idle animation
    03:11 South idle duplicate copied as base for North
    03:16 Final result
    East Idle animation
    03:17 Duplicating South animation to use as base
    03:19 Copying the Side view from the turnaround animation
    03:21 Fixing the weird keyframes
    03:24 Side body mesh
    West Idle animation
    03:28 Copying the East animation then flipping it to get the West animation
    North-East Idle animation
    03:31 Copying the keyframes from the turnaround animation
    03:32 Fixing the wrong keyframes
    03:32 Adapting the body for the North-East direction
    North-East Idle animation
    03:37 Flipping the North-East animation after copying it
  • 00:00 Introduction
    00:01 Explanation of the structure
    00:06 Photoshop Export script
    00:09 Showing off new Cat animations while exporting
    Spine import
    00:16 JSON import
    00:18 Overview of the Spine imported file
    00:19 Setting the reference images
    00:20 Changing direction of the attachments example
    00:23 Reactivating south direction
    Bones creation
    00:29 Middle body-head bones creation
    00:37 Arm bones creation
    00:45 Find and rename on a copy of the arm bones using RegEx too
    00:53 Leg bones creation from an arm
    01:03 Parenting images to the correct bones
    Meshes creation
    01:09 Arm mesh
    01:10 Arm binding and weights - Jelly arms without paths
    01:15 Sleeve mesh and weights
    01:16 Leg mesh and weights
    Duplicating parts
    01:20 Reusing the same mesh for the other arm (but then manually adjusting weights)
    01:28 Duplicating the other leg
    01:32 Restoring a project from a backup saved automatically by Spine
    01:37 Redoing the other leg mesh because of the crash
    More mesh creation and face controls
    01:40 Body mesh and weights
    01:51 Planning the controls on the face
    01:53 Face bones creation
    01:58 A little dancing animation
    Mirroring by direct input entries
    02:06 Copying the eye bones, removing the minus in the translate field to mirror each
    Sleeve improvements and more meshes
    02:10 Editing the sleeve mesh again to improve it
    02:34 Duplicating the sleeve and removing unused images
    02:37 Front hair mesh and binding
    02:39 Neck mesh and weights
    Animation tweaks and more face meshes
    02:40 Adding moving eyes to the dancing animation
    02:41 Nose and mouth bones and meshes
    02:44 Adding a head turn to the dancing animation
  • Designing an 8-direction character for Spine Pt.2

    How to structure a character to move in 8 directions in Photoshop.
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    00:00 Introduction
    00:01 Overview on the logic behind the structure of the file
    00:13 selecting the layers from the duplicated direction to rename them with a script
    00:15 South boy direction
    00:27 Showing the cat turnaround of previos streams
    00:32 Resuming drawing the pieces that need to be facing south
    00:45 Showing the sunflower project
    00:57 Drawing the face in frontal version
    02:42 North boy direction
    02:59 East boy direction
    04:04 Finish! all the directions shown
  • Designing an 8-direction character for Spine Pt.1

    How to structure a character to move in 8 directions in Photoshop.
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    00:02 Introduction
    00:19 Photoshop to Spine script options explained https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/s...
    00:25 tagging the photoshop folders for export
    00:34 Recording an action in Photoshop to automatically create a group with the merge tag, enclosed in a group with the slot tag
    00:37 The logic behind the names of the files
    00:53 limbs creation (it's important to make them straight)
    01:10 an anecdote about the greatest prankster of all time https://sniggle.net/cole.php
    01:44 colors picking
    02:24 layer name editor script
    03:29 south east finished, new direction: north east
  • Let's grow our greens! Animating a sunflower in Spine

    Learn how to use replication, local rotation and more without using constraints in this stream.
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    00:00 Introduction and Photoshop illustration
    00:39 Photoshop export with the script https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/s...
    00:42 Bones creation
    00:44 small fix on an artwork in Photoshop
    00:49 splitting a bone into a chain of bones
    00:49 Trunk meshes
    00:56 Path creation (and deletion)
    00:59 Trunk weights
    01:02 Leaf-side mesh
    01:04 Leaf bone creation
    01:06 Leaf weights
    01:13 Front leaf bone
    01:14 Copy of the leaf front with color changed to make the leaf in the back
    01:15 Creating copies of the leaves to populate the trunk
    01:18 Petal bone positioning through parent axis and direct numeric input
    01:46 More leaves duplicates
    01:56 Bud planning and positioning
    02:11 Dancing flower animation
    02:19 Export an animation for OBS
    02:24 Bud animation planning and bones creation
    02:31 Growing sunflower animation
    04:14 Final result
  • Cat with boots - rigging a simple character turnaround Pt.3

    Third part of how to create a complete turnaround for your characters with a new skin.
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    00:00 Introduction
    00:04 Creating a leg by duplicating the arm
    00:10 Boot mesh
    00:17 Creating new bones for the foot IK constraint
    00:25 Duplicating the leg to mirror it
    00:33 Sword creation by reusing pieces
    00:36 Tail creation by duplicating the arm
    00:41 Feather bones and mesh creation
    00:55 Readapting the hat
    00:57 Fixing the ears for the boots skin
    01:00 Fixing the legs in the turnaround animation
    01:52 fixing the bandana
    02:13 creating an attack animation reusing frames from the turnaround animation
    02:54 flying rotating kick animation
  • Mermay? Mermeow! - rigging a simple character turnaround Pt.2

    Second part of how to create a complete turnaround for your characters in Spine.
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    00:02 Introduction
    00:06 Explaining the turnaround animation and resuming animating
    00:20 Whiskers mesh and weights
    01:32 Adding eye reflections
    03:11 Adding a new mermeow skin
    03:20 Recoloring the boots cat skin
  • Mermay? Mermeow! - rigging a simple character turnaround Pt.1

    Learn how to create a complete turnaround for your characters in Spine.
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    00:00 Introduction and preparing the assets in Photoshop
    00:40 Importing the JSON in Spine
    00:41 Creating skins
    00:44 Difference between slot color and attachment color in Skins
    01:04 Bones creation
    01:23 Arm mesh
    01:25 Arm bones binding and weights
    01:29 Tail mesh
    02:00 Tail scales meshes
    02:09 Creating linked meshes for the tail
    02:12 Duplicating bones to mirror on the other side of the character
    02:25 Ear mesh binding and weights
    03:13 Copies of the tummy across all skins
    03:16 Turnaround animation start
    03:42 Swimming animation
  • Animating blinky guns in Spine

    Learn how to structure and animate collectible objects for your game. Assets © Super Animal Royale by Pixile Studios.
    00:00 Introduction
    00:03 Photoshop files preparation
    00:10 Photoshop export for Spine
    00:12 JSON import in Spine and realigning the images origin
    00:20 Creating a bone to hold all the guns
    00:20 Skins creation
    00:26 Additive blending effect on the light
    00:31 Sparkle bone creation
    00:33 Light effects bones creation
    00:44 Animation planning
    00:48 Light animation
    00:51 Sparkles animation
    01:10 Gun float animation
    01:38 Photoshop addition of light border around the guns
    01:51 Photoshop export of the new images
    1:52 Gun glow slot creation and addition to each skin
    02:05 Recoloring the light effects in green
    02:28 Colleted animation
    02:48 Grass Photoshop file preparation
    03:05 Grass JSON import in Spine
    03:18 Merging grass together in Photoshop
    03:30 Importing the new grass in Spine
  • Rigging the Painting of an Elderly Lady in Spine

    Learn how to rig a painting from start to finish and add 2.5D complete head controls.
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    00:00 Stream Introduction - How Erika lost her voice for a cold
    00:04 Images overview
    00:06 Centering the images
    00:08 Planning the animation
    00:10 Bones creation
    00:18 Transform Constraint for inverse movement
    00:22 Color-coding bones
    00:30 Some little bone creation and rotation tricks
    00:33 Parenting the images
    00:35 Mesh creation
    00:56 Binding bones to the mesh and big mesh painting
    01:03 Explaining what will be done and why on the mesh weights
    01:04 Body weights
    01:15 Neck weights
    01:18 Head weights
    01:25 2.5D Head turn weights
    01:34 Making the nose 2.5D
    01:37 Making the eye-sockets follow the head turn
    01:42 Placing the head on an extreme position to adjust the weights to match it
    01:47 Making the eyes follow the mesh, but also the bone that controls them
    01:55 Mouth controls on the mesh
    02:04 Eyebrows controls on the mesh
    02:20 Eyelid controls on the mesh
    02:40 Animation
    03:05 End of the stream bye bye!
  • Creating a Dragon for animation Pt.4

    In this video we'll finish the rig of the dragon and create a flying animation.
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    00:00 Introduction - extending the character
    00:41 Photoshop export
    00:47 Importing the updated assets in Spine and renaming/reordering
    00:52 Tail mesh
    00:56 Binding the bones to the tail
    00:57 adjusting the weights of the tail to make it smoother
    01:04 Tongue bones creation
    01:05 Tongue mesh and weights
    01:10 Jaw meshes and weights
    01:17 Arm mesh and weights
    01:23 Making the wing wireframe visible
    01:23 Mesh creation for the alternate wings
    01:56 Duplicating the front leg to the back leg
    01:57 Neck scales meshes
    02:13 Adding IK bones to the legs
    02:23 Duplicating the front arm
    02:36 Fly animation
  • Creating a Dragon for animation Pt.3

    In this video we'll create the basic bones, rig the body and the wings of the dragon.
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    Photoshop export
    00:01 Preparing the assets in Photoshop
    01:37 Photoshop to Spine export script
    Spine project creation
    01:49 Spine JSON import
    01:55 Bones creation
    02:12 Leg-front mesh creation
    02:16 Leg-front bones binding and weights
    02:29 IK contraints creation
    02:52 Eye bones
    02:53 Head mesh and weights
    03:22 Ear mesh
    03:23 Ear weights
    03:31 Body mesh
    03:35 Body weights
    03:36 Reparenting the scales
    03:40 Wing mesh
    03:49 Wing bones
    03:55 Wing weights
  • Creating a Dragon for animation Pt.2

    Continuation of the dragon assets creation in Photoshop.
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  • Creating a Dragon for animation Pt. 1

    Learn how to break down your quadruped character for animation in Spine.
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  • Rigging Clothes in Spine - a.k.a. rigger's HELL Pt. 2

    Learn how to rig difficult clothes, capes, gowns, and gear on your character in this last part of the stream.
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    00:00 introduction
    Long dress
    00:03 adjusting te weights of the long dress
    00:12 testing the bones
    00:15 fixing the weights of the lower border of the dress
    00:17 changing the names of several bones with regex
    00:22 changing the order of bones in the mesh panel to fix what appears in the front and what in the back of the same mesh
    00:41 sleeve mesh creation
    00:45 sleeve mesh weight
    00:49 additional sleeve bones
    00:54 duplicating the sleeve mesh for the arm in the back
    01:08 cloak shoulders meshes creation
    01:11 cloak mesh creation
    01:15 cloak bones
    01:25 cloak weights
    Sleeve duplicate
    01:42 sleeve-front weights
    01:50 cape mesh and bones creation
    01:54 cape weights
    02:29 cloak weights and mesh adjustments
    Eyelids and animation
    02:39 eyes and eyelids weights adjustments
    02:51 idle animation
  • Rigging Clothes in Spine - a.k.a. rigger's HELL Pt. 1

    Learn how to rig difficult clothes, capes, gowns, and gear on your character in this first part of the stream.
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    00:00 Introduction
    Adding new skins to an existing project
    00:05 Json import
    00:07 Find and replace to change paths in the existing skin copy
    00:15 Deleting unused parts of the skin
    00:17 Dragging the new skin parts in the original skeleton
    00:21 Reordering and parenting new attachments
    00:31 Importing the second skin attachments
    Rigging a large, short, floaty skirt
    00:37 Mesh creation
    00:49 Planning the bones
    00:54 Bones creation
    01:05 Skirt mesh binding
    01:13 Testing the auto weights
    01:16 Manually adjusting some weights
    01:17 Adding two transform constraints
    01:22 Underskirt mesh binding
    01:26 Manually adjusting some weights for the underskirt
    Rigging the red cloack and arm
    01:30 Planning the rig
    01:36 Rigging the arms
    01:56 Cloack mesh creation
    02:00 Bones creation
    02:04 Creating a shoulder bone
    02:07 Creating a shoulder transform constraint
    02:21 Adjusting the weights
    02:37 Adding a bone to help with rotation
    02:44 Cloack-behind mesh creation
    02:47 Removing a point and adjusting weights
    02:57 Bone creation for the cloack behind (and animal chat)
    03:05 Mesh binding and weighting
    Rigging a long dress
    03:23 Mesh creation
    03:31 Bones creation
    03:34 Mesh binding and weighting
  • Rigging in Spine Pt. 3

    Third part of the rigging of a basic skeleton with two skins.
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    00:00 Stream start
    00:01 Duplicating the rigged arm - with explanation
    00:08 Redoing the path - with explanation (hint: removing the weights solved the problem)
    00:13 Redoing the arm linked mesh
    00:14 Changing the color of the slot to make it darker
    00:21 Attempting to copy the leg
    00:49 Successfully copying the leg
    00:53 The moment the noise ends! I'm terribly sorry - Erika
    00:56 Making the leg stretch along with the path
    00:58 Finishing the eyes
    01:35 Fixing the back strap of the backpack
    01:49 Setting the first keys in Animate mode
    01:53 Adding a control for the feet
    01:58 Moving it to the right position and weights
    02:06 Leg IK
    02:09 Moving the ribbon to a different slot
    02:10 Replicating the missing bones on the other leg
    02:18 Creating the second IK on the leg
    02:15 Replicating the weights on the second leg
    02:28 Girl feet weights
    02:33 More animation
    03:38 Back from pause with tea
    03:50 Fixing the foot ribbons
  • Rigging in Spine Pt. 2

    Learn how to rig a complete character with skins in this second part.
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    00:00 Stream start
    00:04 Explanation of the face 2.5D system
    00:05 Explanation of the bones that move the hat
    00:06 Rigging his hat - how meshes work
    00:08 Taking a peek at her hat for reference
    00:10 Rigging his hat - mesh creation
    00:13 Rigging his hat - weights painting
    00:26 Fixing his nose so that it follows the head control
    00:27 Creating a linked mesh that connects her head base with his
    00:29 Deforming the hair in the back
    00:34 Fixing his ear so that it follows the head deformation
    00:36 adding a control for the bangs in front of his ear
    00:40 More of his hair, the front bangs
    00:58 Making his harm stretch along with the bone instead of having the same size
    01:12 Backpack 2.5D rigging
    01:26 Creating a rectangle in photoshop for the backpack, then adding an image to the project
    01:32 "I'll make a mesh out of him" aka adding the rectangle patch to the backpack
    01:35 We use the Preview View to check the correct placing of the patch
    01:38 We use Update bindings to fix the weights of the patch while it's in a different position
    01:40 Changing the mesh of the backback to fix the border a little bit
    01:44 Rigging the side pocket of the backpack
    01:58 Rigging her bag in 2.5D style
    02:25 Creating a mesh for her scarf
    02:31 Binding her scarf and adding weights
    02:39 Rigging the strap of his backpack so that it sticks to his shoulder and the backpack
    02:46 Doing the two long straps of her bag
    02:57 Parenting the hair strands
    02:58 Creating bones for the zips
    03:01 Creating bones for her hair
    03:04 Creating and weighting the meshes for her hair
    03:34 Making the pupils move more than the irises
    03:49 Creating meshes for the lower and upper eyelid
    04:01 Reordering the slots, then making a copy of the hair so that we have a transparent see-through effect on the hair.
  • Rigging in Spine Pt.1

    Learn how to rig the two first characters we created in Photoshop in Spine.
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    00:02 Stream start and how to download the photoshop script
    00:05 Tags of the Photoshop-to-Spine script
    00:09 why it's important to have guides and change the ruler origin
    00:13 Discussing the interface of the script and the options
    00:16 Exporting
    00:19 Importing in Spine
    00:24 Creating bones
    00:33 Jelly arms - Mesh creation
    00:43 Jelly arms - Bones and Path
    00:46 Jelly arms - Alternate version with no paths
    00:50 Jelly arms - Creating a bone chain and path constraint
    00:59 Jelly arms - Creating a linked mesh
    01:02 Jelly legs - Creating the mesh
    01:04 Jelly legs - But first, creating bones
    01:08 Jelly legs - Resuming mesh creation on her leg
    01:14 Jelly legs - Creating a chain of bones and the path
    01:19 Jelly legs - Adjusting the weights of the path
    01:22 Jelly legs - Copying and editing the mesh of the leg
    01:28 Coat Mesh
    02:06 His collar mesh and zips
    02:11 Color-coding the skeleton
    02:16 Face rig - Inverse transform constraint system
    02:24 Face rig - Bones creation
    02:36 Face rig - Eyes transform constraint
    02:40 Face rig - Back hair mesh
    02:42 Face rig - Nose mesh
    02:49 Face rig - Side hair bangs - bones
    03:00 Face rig - Fringe
    03:18 Face rig - Side hair bangs - meshes
    03:28 2.5D Hat
    03:43 Making the hat follow the head
    03:54 Face rig - Head base
  • Assets Creation Pt.2

    This is the second part on creating the assets for a character to be animated in Spine.
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  • Assets Creation Pt. 1

    Learn how to create a character in Photoshop and correctly layer it so importing and rigging in Spine is a breeze!
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