• Editor
  • Timeline for Animations

Is it possible that one day we can have ability to create a sequence/parallel of existing animations in Preview or in SkeletonViewer?

like this: run-x6 -> idle-x3 -> attack-x1

Just to get an idea how it may look in the game. to achieve more natural behavior.

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  • 編集済み

Yep, we'd like to implement that! It is likely easiest done as a Record button in Preview: click Record, change various animations on whichever tracks, and then stop recording. Recordings would be saved in a list and playing one back would use the same timing as when you recorded.

    Nate wrote

    Yep, we'd like to implement that!

    Good to hear that

    6年 後

    Nate Did you implement something for recording animation sequences ?

    • Misaki がこの投稿に返信しました。

      SpineUser13 Unfortunately, we have not yet begun work on this. There is an issue ticket on this subject here and this ticket will be updated if any progress is made: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor371