• 中文
  • 請問Spine為什麼會這麼貴?

想請教Spine為何可以賣到299USD一套如此高昂的價格? 3Dsmax等軟體訂閱一年也才1200多台幣
Spine現在的壽命能夠再維持多久時間?5年10年? 軟體淘汰率是相當快的
Spine僅限於2D變形骨架權重IK等功能,軟體流暢度很不錯 骨架綁定也行 但就是不了解為什麼要賣到299

感謝。 :confused:

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Your comparison of Spine with other software is not really fair for a few reasons:

1)我们免费提供一流的支持。我们是一家小公司,但我们关心客户,我们倾听和交流,并迅速实施客户所需的修复程序和其他更改。如果您尝试通过电子邮件向Autodesk,Adobe或其他大型公司发送电子邮件,即使您遇到诸如软件崩溃之类的真正问题,也不太可能获得问题的答案。您肯定不会在星期六收到公司所有者的论坛回复,就像您到达这里一样。 🙂
1) We provide top notch support for no additional cost. We are a small company but we care about our customers, we listen and communicate, and we quickly implement fixes and other changes our customers want. If you try emailing Autodesk, Adobe, or other large companies it's unlikely you will get an answer to your questions, even if you have a real problem like their software crashes. You certainly won't get a forum response from the owner of the company on a Saturday, like you are getting here. 🙂

2)Spine是精品软件,完全定制构建,但仅适用于小型特定市场。 Autodesk是一家规模庞大的公司,拥有10,000多名员工,价值超过60亿美元,并销售许多产品。他们为庞大的市场销售软件,这意味着他们可以以较低的价格出售产品,因为它们可以卖给更多更多的人(并且他们使用订阅!)。
2) Spine is boutique software, completely custom built but only for a small, specific market. Autodesk is a massive company with 10,000+ employees, is worth more than 6 billion USD, and sells many products. They sell software for huge markets and that means they can use a lower price, since they are selling to many, many more people (and they use a subscription!).

3) Spine is not a subscription: the 299 USD gives you all updates for life. Subscriptions are lower cost, but hit you every year and that adds up over time. I personally dislike subscriptions and that is why Spine is a one-time cost, even though we would likely make more money if we forced everyone to pay repeatedly for updates. We do a lot of updates so you get a lot of value for the one-time cost. Check out our latest update we just posted today! We'll add Chinese subtitles in a day or so when the translations are done.

4) Another consideration is that Spine is not just a desktop application to build animations. It also has a runtime component that you integrate into your software. This is not just a "checkbox" feature for us, we put a lot of effort into making our runtimes very good. Not needing to implement runtimes yourself is a huge savings of your time and effort and isn't generally provided by other products, certainly not with the same quality.

Spine的第一个发行版是在8年前,我们计划将其发布更多! 🙂
The first release of Spine was 8 years ago and we plan to be around for many more! 🙂

4日 後

Ture 你們說的都是事實,但是都賣299了 層級方面的管理能不能再優化,Ps的圖層管理相當方便 資料夾分類.順序 都相當人性化,日本live2d層級管理方式也是使用Ps的方式,Spine不僅不能隨便移動排序任何的物件順序連資料夾的功能都沒有,你們知道嗎?在使用的過程中一大堆的骨架一大堆的物件都塞在裡面管理相當的不便,有辦法改善這種最最基本的使用者體驗嗎?


We do have folders for animations, skins, and events. We don't yet have folders for draw order. We have many things planned, you can see here:
Spine Roadmap

Getting the new graph done has been our focus for quite some time. Now it is in beta and we need to finish it up. The release after that will be focused on quality of life improvements, like folders.

The graph video has Chinese subtitles now! I guess YouTube is blocked in China? Is there a Chinese website where we could upload our videos? We have some on youku but I'm not sure they get many views there.

Spine Essential便宜得多,但仍然提供了很多价值。您没有得到网格物体和其他一些东西,但是您仍然可以获得新图形和Spine Runtimes。它仍然非常强大,例如,所有这些仅通过Spine Essential即可完成:
Spine Essential is much cheaper and still provides a lot of value. You don't get meshes and few other things, but you still get the new graph and the Spine Runtimes. It is still very capable, for example all of this is done with just Spine Essential: