- 編集済み
Spine Launcher 4.0.08-legacy
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2020 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Starting: Spine 3.8.99
Spine 3.8.99 Essential
ATI Technologies Inc., Radeon RX 580 Series, 4.6.13559 Compatibility Profile Context 26.20.12001.7006
抱歉,添麻烦了。 您正在运行一个过时的Spine Launcher。 请从您的许可证页面安装最新的Spine Launcher。 如果问题仍然存在,请发布spine.log文件以及您在屏幕上看到的所有错误消息。
Sorry for the trouble. You are running an outdated Spine Launcher. Please install the latest Spine Launcher from your license page. If the issue persists, then please post the spine.log file and any error messages you see on screen.