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How to add Normal maps in Unreal 4
If there some instruction to add normal/bump/height maps to my spine in Unreal Engine 4?
I tried some material but my SpineSkeletonRenderer seems not chaning standard material to it. How to fix that?
We don't have official support for normal maps in UE4. Can you elaborate on the issue you had with setting custom materials on the renderer component by describing what you tried exactly and how it failed, including screenshots, error messages, etc.
Well then. I have the balloons spine at my scene and material, attached to it by default:
I created blank material and added to it spine's texture and height map as normal.
When I'm trying to add new material as an spine material by dragging to spine I can't do this:
Its shows green borders but nothing happens when I realease LMB.
Then I tried to open spine's parent material with double clicking to the icon in details window, and added to it height map (scheme above). But also after saving this nothing is changed.
And now I don't really know what to do make it work. Also I'm not very good skilled about materials in UE4.
Hm, setting a custom material should definitely work, so this may be a bug. I've created an issue here: https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes/issues/2036
Maybe I should try previous ( 3.8 ) version of spine runtime? Can you please guide me where I can find it?
UPD: found it)
This is likely a problem in both the 3.8 and 4.0 runtimes.
I confirmed that assigning custom materials to each property of the SpineSkeletonRenderer
component works as intended. I just now noticed, that in your screenshots you are actually trying to modify a blueprint instance in the level. That's not how blueprints work. Click the "Edit blueprint" button when having your actor selected in the level (like in the top right corner of your third screenshot, while you have your actor selector in the world outline). Then you can modify the blueprints materials and assign a custom material.