Hi! Very excited about this however, I am having issues with the examples. After getting the Git, when I try to load "spine-runtimes/spine-godot/example/project.godot" I get an error box with "Error loading: helloworld.tscn Load failed due to missing dependencies: [url=res://assets/spineboy/spineboy-data-res.tres]res://assets/spineboy/spineboy-data-res.tres[/url]".
I can see that file in the FileSystem folders and if I choose "Fix Dependencies", I get the 'Dependencies For: helloworld.tscn" pop-up box with 2 entries: spineboy-helloworld.gd and spineboy-data-res.tres in the Resource section and [url=res://examples/01-helloworld/spineboy-helloworld.gd]res://examples/01-helloworld/spineboy-helloworld.gd[/url] and [url=res://assets/spineboy/spineboy-data-res.tres]res://assets/spineboy/spineboy-data-res.tres[/url] in the Path section.
Not sure what to do next as the "Fix Broken" button remains grayed out.
If I ignore the dependencies and press "Open Anyways", I get a "Load Errors" pop-up box with "Scene'res://assets/spineboy-data-res.tres has broken dependencies: [url=res://assets/spineboy/spineboy-pro.json::SpineSkeletonFileResource]res://assets/spineboy/spineboy-pro.json::SpineSkeletonFileResource[/url] [url=res://assets/spineboy/spineboy.atlas::SpineAtlasResource]res://assets/spineboy/spineboy.atlas::SpineAtlasResource[/url]"
I'm probably missing something simple, but if anyone has an idea, I am open to suggestions! Thanks - ChzBoi
EDIT - Found it...I was logged into the wrong machine with the old Godot build! Easy fix!