• Runtimes
  • Exporting to video file(mp4, avi...) using runtime

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I need to create many animations dynamically using the AddSkin function and export them as video files (mp4, avi,...)
My question: is it possible to export an animation to a video file using the runtime ? I know it is possible using the UI, but I cannot find a way to do it with the runtime. I searched the forum but cannot find it. I want to use the C# runtime.

Can you provide so sample code or project?
Thank you

You can use the runtimes to render to a buffer, then assemble a video file yourself, for example using FFMPEG. See here for starters:
Script for export

Thank you. I will look at it.

Also, I am trying to compile the latest version of the spine-csharp runtime, but there are many errors about missing classes : Sequence, TextureRegion, SpringConstraint, SequenceMode, and some more.

Is the spine-runtimes 4.1 repo suppose to be working ?

Thank you!

Yes, the runtimes from Git should compile successfully. If you're missing classes, likely your include paths don't contain the necessary files.

I got a zip of the repo, then open the spine-csharp.sln in visual studio. I don't know what can be missing 🙁

I found that in the .csproj there are some files missing! I added them and know it works!