• Runtimes
  • Export issues! Please help!

Hello! Was looking for the solution of my problem but couldnt find it. Sorry im new to Spine.

I made animation of two characters and exported them to phazer with the same settings. Characters suppose to be of the same size as they are in photoshop and in the spine work space but after importing them to phazer one turns out to be way taller than the second one ... and i have no idea why bcoz i made them the same way... Could it be bcoz of the animation coz one is waving a hammer while second just standing or what could possibly go wrong? Is there a fixed canvas size while exporting aniamtion?

Please Help! thank you!

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ErikaRuntimes タグ を追加し、 Editor タグ を削除しました。
6日 後

It's impossible to say without seeing the assets. Could you upload the Spine projects + images somewhere?