• Showcase
  • Girl Illustration Idle Animation detailed meshes, bones and more

[Invisible meshes work in the background of all images tirelessly.]

[The weight between meshes and the movement of their corresponding bones]

[The correlation between the eye and its corresponding IK bone's movement.]

[The correlation between the 'nose' and its corresponding bone's movement.]

[The correlation between the 'mouth' and its corresponding bone's movement.]

[The correlation between the hair and its corresponding transform bone movement.]

Illustration @sevg3lart

  • Misaki がこの投稿に返信しました。
  • Nate, Misaki が「いいね」しました。
    Related Discussions

    I fully intend to continue sharing my work with colleagues on this website. It gives me great satisfaction to do so, and I expect to be able to do so without interruption.

    Zeynur The hair control rig looks great! I look forward to your future work! 😃

    • Zeynur が「いいね」しました。