• RuntimesUnity
  • Skins Mix and Match with multiple dependant Variables


I've seen related topics but didn’t see a specific answer to my question elsewhere, so I thought I’d ask here.

What I am trying to achieve:

In my game, I am using one skeleton to be re-used by both the player and NPC’s. The characters have a few variables concerning skins:

  1. There is a ‘base skin’ that can be male or female, and have different skin color and hair types.
  2. The torso can be in a state of ‘skinny’, ‘healthy’, or ‘overweight’.
  3. And then there are ‘equippables’ - clothing & armor.

I will need the chosen ‘equippables’, (E.g. 'Fur Armor") to match the types ‘male or female’, and the torso state of ‘skinny, healthy, or overweight’.

Does anyone have advice for handling these skins efficiently?

I know I can use mix & match, but it isn’t obvious to me as to how I take these factors into consideration.

For example, I thought I would have the "base skin' which will contain the head, hair, and underlying gender & skin type. And then - for the 'equipables' - instead of creating different skins for every combination of variable, I thought that within each 'equipable' skin - I could create different slots for ‘male & female’ and for the three torso states.

Then you could just switch to any ‘equippables’ skin, and always be hiding or showing the correct slots depending on gender and torso state using a couple variables in-game.

But as I understand it, you cannot hide/show slots.

I also thought, maybe there is a way in the code to insert the variable 'male' or 'female' dynamically, so that it always chooses the correct version of a new equipable attachment. But I'm unsure of how to do this, or whether it is possible.

I imagine this is not a new problem, so I figured I would ask you all.

Does this challenge make sense? Anyone have a recommendation or can point me in the right direction?

  • Harald がこの投稿に返信しました。
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    nd_nomad Then you could just switch to any ‘equippables’ skin, and always be hiding or showing the correct slots depending on gender and torso state using a couple variables in-game.

    But as I understand it, you cannot hide/show slots.

    If you need "Slots" to be exclusively enabled, what you might actually want to use instead is one Slot with three Attachments (in your case the Skin Placeholder instead of an Attachment), then you switch between torso states like switching between mouth-shapes in the Spineboy example project.

    Thank you Harald!

    I will look into this, and report back with my progress.

    • Harald が「いいね」しました。