I created a mess it seems
Originally, I was doing it like this to have a tidy PSD file, because I have a lot of skin in the same file.
So I wanted to have folder to have a tidy view just as in Spine, with all skin in a folder.
By exemple, I've got all my body skin in the folder Body because there's actually six different kind of body. If there was only those, I wouldn't need the folder Body, but I've also got others skin related to the scene, like clothes, or tattoo... So I've separated them in folder Body, Clothes and Tattoo. This way I don't have to sort visually the skin, I just have to open / close a folder. The same goes for the PSD file, I just have to open / close the group (I believe folder are called group in photoshop)
Also, I duplicated the skin to folder because before there was subskin that would goes with some body skin (Like a skin for the tail that was different of the original so I splitted them in subskin) so to have a tidier file, I created folder to gather the skin related to the base skin. It's the reason why it' "Body/Normal/Normal/Arm Right" and not just "Body/Normal/Arm Right"
But I could remove the [folder], but that would mean I would have to create manually in the spine project the folder to tidy the skin. Trough I could probably remove the [folder:Normal] and that would make it work as it would have result in "Body/Body Arm Color 1 Right" for every piece.
Anyways, I can still use the photoshop to spine script as it work fine, it just take longer to compute and doesn't center the picture, I just wanted to make sure this was intented as it behave differently than the script.
Sorry if I'm unclear, I'm not english