• RuntimesUnityBugs
  • 求助,unity VR模式只有左眼能显示spine导入的动画


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@spsama Sorry to hear you've encountered troubles!
Which exact version of the spine-unity runtime (name of the unitypackage, also listed in Assets/Spine/version.txt or in the Unity Package Manager) are you using?

Could you please tell us which shader you are using? If you're using Universal Render Pipeline, be sure to use a shader of the Spine URP Shaders UPM extension package.

  • spsama がこの投稿に返信しました。
  • spsama が「いいね」しました。

    Thanks for your help,I use Spine URP Shader It's Work

    • Harald が「いいね」しました。

    @spsama Glad to hear you've figured it out. Thanks for letting us know.