• RuntimesUnity
  • Could not automatically set the Atlas Asset for unity

here my export setting
the problem persist whenever I export sequences image to unity, uncheck the sequences and it wont have any problem, Why ?

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The issue you're experiencing with the "Could not automatically set the AtlasAsset" error in Unity when exporting sequence images from Spine is likely related to the export settings, particularly the file extension used for the atlas. Ensure that the atlas is exported with the correct extension, .atlas.txt, as Unity requires this specific format to recognize the atlas file properly. If the problem persists, it might be helpful to check if there are any missing regions or incorrect paths in your atlas file, as these can also cause import issues. Additionally, ensure that your Unity and Spine versions are compatible and that you are using the latest spine-unity runtime package.

Choose Browse atlas wont do anything

@megametx Sorry to hear you're having troubles.

the problem persist whenever I export sequences image to unity, uncheck the sequences and it wont have any problem

I assume you mean the problem occurs whenever you're exporting and having any Attachment set to Sequence in your skeleton, is this correct?

This sounds as if your spine-unity runtime does not match your exported asset version.
Which versions of the Spine Editor are you exporting from?
What is the exact version of your spine-unity runtime (name of the unitypackage, also listed in Assets/Spine/version.txt or in the Package Manager)?

  • megametx がこの投稿に返信しました。

    That right,here is my Spine and Runtime version.

    • 編集済み

    It seem like the problem persist to every file with sequence exported, Spine Runtime on Unity wont realize the atlas that has sequences packed on it
    i got the problem on 2.38 2.39 2.40 but the 2.15 work well since that is all version i downloaded

    It seem that the update with the auto sequence ruin the runtime, the version with manual select sequence work fine without any problem. and the atlas/texture file are exact same between those versions

    Update : I found out something wrong with this very specific folder and png that wont accept packing sequence in version come with auto sequences update. Remove it and other sequence run fine, Anyone know why ?

    Update : Figured it out myself
    For anyone wondering, the auto sequence update from 4.2.2x didnt like the sequence texture name that has " " aka empty space in it so made sure your sequence named properly

    • Misaki が「いいね」しました。
    6日 後

    Sorry for the late reply. This is covered in this enhancement issue ticket, permitting trailing space for sequence attachments: