• Runtimes
  • Flip error in unity

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I'm using Spine Pro 2.0.23. And I also lock all the keys for every bones, meshes, keyframes, including key for FlipX (I don't really use flipY so I don't lock this one).
When I'm exporting my animation into unity, It seems the flip is error. Sometimes it suddenly flipped by itself in the middle of animation. Most of the time in the first loop of activated animation, it still use flipX key from the last animation even though I should've locked them all. Is there something I need to do to fix this? Please help me.
Thank you very much. m(>___<)m

I've updated into 2.0.26 and the problem still persist in our Unity. T_T
It looks all fine in Spine editor (and now the flip key is copied too) but when exported to Unity the flipped part often flipped (in the wrong direction) by them self and I don't know why. :S

Would you mind sending me your exported Spine data? (.json, .atlas, .png's if willing)

Sure. I've sent them to your email. Thank you very much. (>_<)/

4日 後

With Mitch's help we've now fixed the problem in Git. 8) Cheers!

Thank you very much. I'm really really grateful for the newest runtime. I've tried to preview my character animation in Unity and it looks fine now. (^___^)/

But my programmer still encounter some errors when the character is running or in stance position. The body flipped randomly when running (but the head is in the right direction) and the hand assets change randomly on 'stance'. :sweat:

I've emailed the recording to Mitch and Nate so perhaps you can see better in the avi file. It might be my fault this time but I still don't understand how to fix these. I will look at my spine file again.

If somehow you know how to fix this and what I'm doing wrong please help me. (>___<)/

To Nate. Thank you very much for pointing the spear and bone in the wrong direction. m(=_=)m
My programmer also had complaint about it and we didn't know what's the problem and I've just noticed that I use flipY in atk7 spear. So I lock all the spear's flipY key to avoid wrong direction in other animations.

About keying everything in every animation, see what I wrote you in email. Also read here:
http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-using ... on-changes

Mitch made you a video and it seems to be working correctly, so not sure why you see hands change randomly or the body flipped while running. Make sure ALL your runtimes are up to date.

5日 後

After several try, my programmer find out that the animation is okay in Unity 4.5. It's still glitching in Unity 4.3 whatever we do. So he plans to use Unity 4.5 afterwards. We're not sure if the unity version is really the issue, though. ^^;
Thank you very much for all of your assistance. (^___^)/

I will take a look at your example data in Unity 4.3 today. I care about supporting it as it is the version locked editor for all Wii U games using unity.

Thank you for still looking at it. Please kindly inform me if there's a news. We're still not sure if the version is the cause. But if it is or isn't the cause, or there might be some solutions, please tell us. 🙂