• Runtimes
  • [Unity3D] Problem with Shaders and Lighting

Hi everyone!

I seem to be in a problem right now because this things are happening to me

This happens when I bring a point light near the character using the default sprite shader of Unity

Then I played around using the Skeleton Lit shader of spine and this happened

What can I do to fix this?

Are you sure you're using the latest version of the runtimes? This shouldn't be happening with the current Skeleton Lit shader.
Did you modify the shader in anyway to take normal maps? It's known that Spine-Unity + Normals don't get along easily. @alic and @Mitch are currently working on a better shader for that. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3955

Sorry, read in a hurry and skipped the part you said the point light was near the character. Vertex lighting won't work if the distance between the vertices is bigger than the light. Basically, you're going to have to make the range of your point light bigger.

At least one of your problems involves your atlas bleeding.
The first half of this first post might be useful for you: viewtopic.php?t=3132

For some reason, the default Sprite shader is causing your character to blend additively. That's weird.

(1) Did you pack the texture using Spine? Or did you use an external program? Did you change some settings there or did you leave it default?
(2) Were your assets auto-processed by Spine-Unity? Were you using the latest Spine-Unity runtime? Are you using TK2D?
(3) Did you change any of the texture settings after you imported your assets? (particularly for the atlas texture/png file)

We should really make one of those flow chart things with all of that on it

It does sound like it'd make a good flowchart, doesn't it?
I'll see if I can cook something up (someday). Help me out with it sometime.