What I want to achieve is resetting all attachment images to their default whenever a new animation starts. Because I don't key all of them in all animations as it would be inefficient, when transitioning between two animations, the target animation will use the wrong attachment images (for example, the body would be turned, when it's supposed to be straight).
A solution i've found is to make an animation called "resetAttachments" or so, and every time I transition to a new animation, I load that animation into the state. The animation contains keys for all attachments in their default state. It seems kind of sloppy, and I'd have to make that same animation for all the characters, and whenever I add a new attachment image to the skeleton.
Is there a way to reset all attachment images via code to their default (as they appear in the pose editor in Spine)? Maybe a way to only change those that aren't in the default state already.