
  • 2016年6月20日
  • 2016年5月23日に参加
  • I'm running Spine Pro, the latest version (bought during kickstarter years ago), and I don't see 'Ghosting', 'Playback' or 'Graph' in Animate mode. Tried looking under settings as well. Am I missing something?


    Answered my own question - didnt see the buttons above the dopesheet like I saw in some tutorial videos but did find the 'Views' dropdown on the top-right of the screen which shows what I'm looking for.

    • 編集済み
    • 編集済み
  • Finally getting the hang of Spine, once you get it, it's great! Some functions were intuitive and made sense, others I had to use tutorials admittedly. Created an idle with a new character I'm working on.

  • Ok that's great thanks for the input.

    • 編集済み
  • Is it possible to utilize both FFD/Mesh and bones at the same time while animating?

    Example: I have a character and the legs and arms are broken into 3 pieces - upper arm, lower arm and hand. But just animating the arm with bones makes them look like a marionette of course because the ends stick out. So I had thought using FFD/Meshes too would hide the "joints" sticking out making them seamless together.


  • スレッド:Illustrator Setup?

    Ok what's the proper setup for Layers in illustrator? I've tried layers in groups, expanded the layers, even rasterized them but couldnt get layers to export in illustrator. All I can export is the template and 1 layer which shows the whole image. I had to take it into photoshop and set it up in there.


    Ok I finally figured out why I couldn't export my layers in illustrator.

    2 things - First make sure your script is up to date here: and secondly, most important is to click on each layer and in the layers panel dropdown select 'Collect in new layer'. This is how the export script seems to like the hierarchy order.


  • スレッド:Illustrator Setup?
    • 編集済み
  • OSX yeah. Ok thanks.

    • 編集済み
  • This is probably not a bug but when I load up Spine it says it's version 3.2.01 however when I go to Spine/About Spine in the dropdown it says it's version 1.0 (1).

    So which version am I running? I was a kickstarter backer and actually havent started playing with it until now.
