
  • 2018年3月2日
  • 2015年8月25日に参加
  • スレッド:long time no chat!

    Alright =D
    looking forward to hear from ya

  • スレッド:long time no chat!

    Hay Mate, glad it was helpful to you! =D
    Well, i honetsly dont rly get to hang arround the Spine Forums much as of late, as there was no commercial reason to use spine lately.
    As you can see im still arround though ;D
    Its just better to actually contact me via skype or email though, as im just more available there. Im kinda sad that the skype group had to be terminated, just because of one troll....
    But well... im still part of the Spine Discord server.
    Skype: tobias.breitenbach
    email: t.breitenbach[at]
    or contact[at]
    (both of them beeing my work emails)

    as to answer your other questions, Aye, i still do Art =D
    and yeah- depending on the timeframe (and payment ofc ;P) im more than up for freelance work.
    what do u have in mind/ need?
    just hit me up on skype or send me a mail =D
    (personally id prefer skype though)


  • Nate wrote

    It would be great, but we've been held up by a big release for a while. I want to get a number of small but important "low hanging fruit" features done once v3 is released before starting a new big feature.

    Hay Nate =D , I understand ;D
    I trust that what you do, is best for the software (and thus for me/us)
    I just havent heard any updates on this topic for.... half a year? I think, which was basicly the same answer q.q
    anyways - do you have an >rough< ETA when you'll be (or want to be) done with the little fishes? =D

  • Hay man, Thank you very much for sharing you work like this!
    I listenend into quite a couple of tracks, and i must say I rly like them.
    Infact so much that me and my pal would probably like to use 1-2 of them on our project.

    I'll hit you up with a couple questions on that soon!
    keep it up, your doing a great work ;D

  • スレッド:Art Workshop

    A'Ight - Mail with a Zip of our Sessions stuff is out- hope its gonna be of good service to you

  • スレッド:Spine Skype Hangout

    Hay, thanks Nate, I didnt know about this.
    from what I can tell, it doesnt look to crowded though =D
    But ill check it out more thoroughly.

    From what I know, skype also stores a conversation log 😉
    OFC, I realize the advantages of an forum over a chatroom-
    and as stated before I never intedended this little "project" to replace the forum in any way =D

  • スレッド:Art Workshop

    Haha, yes, shit gets confusing rly fast.
    double and tripple checked to make sure- 12:30 am should be acurate.

    And im still willing to do this- so affirmed.

    just hit me up on skype when ure rdy-
    Im looking forward to it =D

    Cheers, Toby

  • スレッド:Spine Skype Hangout

    Hay Clandestine - ill check out Slack - so far I have no clue what that is
    If people would prefer another software than Skype im open for anything.

    I would just like to get a casual group together, where you can chat casually, or ask question on a short notice bases.
    So far, were only 5 people, wich I find a little sad, but I already enjoyed some casual chats with for example Binary Cats.
    (always a nice experience to get to know the people of this board a little better)
    As well as getting some help off him, wich would have otherwise probably have taken me quite a while to get as good an answer through the forum.

    on another account- as of yet this post has roughly 200 views, yet only 2 posts aside from me, and only 5 Members in the Skype Group.
    Is there rly this little interest in something like this?
    If people are afraid of constant messages anoying the shit out of them- you can mute individual conversation, if requested i can make a tutorial on that (its rly easy and takes probably 5 clicks total.
    Or, if another means of communication is prefered - pls guys, im open, make some suggestions.

  • スレッド:Art Workshop

    Ah shit, I just noticed I made a huge fuckup- its not EST its CEST witch.. apparently is totally different...
    However, As said before- i have time from 6pm onward- so it shouldnt actually matter much- only that it will be much later here in Berlin, but oh well- i dont mind going into the early morning hrs since thats usually my bed time anyways.

    The only thing that came up on short notice, is that i hav an important buisness Call at 7pm.
    but that shouldnt be a problem either as 4pm your time would equal abou 1am here in Berlin.

    So yeah - making it short - affirmative!! =D

  • スレッド:Art Workshop

    Hay Shane!
    Ok so I know my timeframe now.
    I would have time on either Tuesday, or Thursday afternoon from about 6pm (EST) onwards.
    (max until arround 1 - 2 am though)
    Probably also Friday, but I can't promise that one.
    So, just let me know when would be good for you, and I mark my calender ;D

    Cheers, Toby

  • スレッド:Art

    Ok, Will do.
    I Think I should be able to tell when I have some time by Monday- latest.
    So I'll write u again then.
    Have a nice Weekend Pal ;D

  • スレッド:Art

    Haha, this is definitly not smart of me, but this was not a contract service, but more of a friendly help ;D I never expected to get any money for it in the first place
    I admit I was a little confused when u didnt show up, but its okay.
    I to have had situation where you missed something important- shit happens.

    Well, just gotta see when we both have time to repeat this, my weekend is reserved for my GF (or id be in some deeeeeeep shit) ^^'
    When would be good for you ?

    codejoy wrote

    So this web site does not always show me when I have a PM. I missed this 🙁

    "Alright- then how bout we stick to Thursday 1pm you time before something gets the chance to intervene =D
    I must say im quite looking forward to this- as the only teaching experience I have so was teaching a group of Middle-schoolers about basic Photoshop, and Art for Games.

    just add me on Skype: tobias.breitenbach
    and hit me up on thursday arround 1pm ure time =D
    Dont worry if its a bit sooner or later.
    I should be available almost all day on Skype and am not bound by the 8pm."

    I am so sorry, since you said this is 20$ an hour for your time please give me your pay pal and I will send you an hrs worth of time. I feel horrible I missed this message (it is now 8pm my time so like 3am) . Again I am very sorry, I could do 1pm saturday my time again. I will mark it down AND check the inbox too here since it doesnt always tell me when I have a message waiting 🙁

  • スレッド:Art

    Alright- then how bout we stick to Thursday 1pm you time before something gets the chance to intervene =D
    I must say im quite looking forward to this- as the only teaching experience I have so was teaching a group of Middle-schoolers about basic Photoshop, and Art for Games.

    just add me on Skype: tobias.breitenbach
    and hit me up on thursday arround 1pm ure time =D
    Dont worry if its a bit sooner or later.
    I should be available almost all day on Skype and am not bound by the 8pm.

  • スレッド:Art

    haha, actually i wouldnt mind doing it on a weekend- but there ud be at the mercy of my girlfriend ;D

    However - she usually hops in on either friday evening or Sat noon,
    so if you want, we could also go for saturday morning my time ?
    I usually go hit the sheeds arround 1 - 3 am so if im not mistaken, that would be arround 6 - 8pm your time. i could also try and stay awake a while longer, i wouldnt mind, and wouldnt be the first =D

    Also, if you know your basic way arround the Interface of Gimp, you should be able to follow easily, as im mostly using simple tools like: painbrush, Lasso, Paintbucket, Masks, and maybe some layerstyles. But as far as I know, Gimp should actually have tools that behave very similiarly, I just couldnt point out where to find them, or what the hotkeys are.

    Do you want me to prepare a twich stream? personally i would prefer skype though, as its my main communication tool anyways-
    also- im trying to get this thing allive- if your interested feel free to join,
    otherwise, no pressure using skype ;D im also okay going with twitch

  • スレッド:Art

    actually, i never made a workshop before xD
    i would probably do that very much going by the flow.

    Yes im in Germany- I usually use this site to plan my International Interactions when for example freelancing.,12,208,8&h=2950159
    I'm gonna be out of the house tomorrow all day, but thurday or friday we definitly could do something.

    I could probably use twitch- i know I have an account lurking somewhere, skype screenshare i also a valid option. I didnt know Youtube had live-streams O.o

    Yes, Spine and Photoshop is basicly all you need, or well, a image cration software of you choice, mine happens to be photoshop

    How would thursday or friday 7 or 8 pm (CET) sound for you?
    That would be 11am / 12 pm (PDT)

    what would you like to learn, i guess ure most interested in the workflow right before Spine ?

  • スレッド:Spine Skype Hangout

    The advantage would be to be able to get instant answers from people within the group.

    Now, The Forum is great, and I wouldnt wanna miss it for anything in the world! The Skype Hangout is also not meant to replace the Forum in any way.
    But sometimes, you just need some instant feedback, or have smaller but urgent questions.

    most often from my experience, those can be answered in a couple lines, but time is off the essence, and it can take up to a couple days or weeks till someone finds the mercy to reply to a forum post

  • スレッド:Spine Skype Hangout
    • 編集済み
  • スレッド:Spine Skype Hangout

     Loading Image  Loading Image

    Hay Guys,
    I Was wondering if anyone aside me would be interested in a Skype Group, where we can chat, ask for feedback, and help live, or just have smalltalk.
    illustrators, Animators, Programmers all alike - no discrimination here ;D

    Personally, I'm in a couple similiar groups for other topics aside spine, and find it invaluable, to be able to ask people for help or C&C without the need of waiting a couple days in a forum.
    (i mean yeah, probably im a bit inpacient- but as we all know: time's money!

    If someone is interested, just either drop me a pm and ill add you to the group, or use the link below
    Hope to see you there- soon =D

  • スレッド:Art

    Well true- these are not as minimalistic as it could be, and some assets in these example would require some drawing skills, like the huses and the like.
    But if you start breaking each illustration down into the seperate assets that make them up e.g. tree01, tree02, bridge. yada yada yada, it starts becoming aloooot simpler- also alot simpler to understand and recreate.

    Illustrator would be one way of doing this, but this looks more like photoshop to me.
    From what I can tell, id say its its rough one colored shaped, with 1 or 2 tones of shadig, and than some kind of texture multiplied/overlayed on top.

    actually- the process for most illustration and the like is pretty simple once you know how its done, but its the skill of those artist, that when trying to achieve the same thing, it seems so much harder for you/me etc.

    If you want, this week I have a fairly relaxed time frame, and I wanted to try this style myself, maybe for a future project or something like that, and maybe we can whip up a little
    Workshop or somethin.

  • スレッド:Art

    Hay man, just stumbled upon this:
    thought it might interest you - you can probably get even more minimal than this ;D