
  • 2016年6月8日
  • 2016年5月13日に参加
  • Thank you, Hackerham and Nate. I have a clearer understanding of the spine and bone animation now.

  • Thanks for reponses.

    1. If the hero can equip something else,  such as helmet , cloak  , armors.  the solution seems to be not good , the atlas would become very large.  I see there is an Attachmenet interfact in spine code ,it seems to fit what I need that attach different armors to different part of the hero's body.  But I don't know how to use it. Do is missunderstand the Attachment ? 
    1. You mentioned that I can generate a pixmap at runtime and construct an TextureAtlas , the atlas would only contains the attachment images , but how do i merge this atlas to the skeleton's atlas?

      atlas = new TextureAtlas(Gdx.files.internal("spineboy/spineboy.atlas"));
      SkeletonJson json = new SkeletonJson(atlas); // This loads skeleton JSON data, which is stateless.
      json.setScale(0.6f); // Load the skeleton at 60% the size it was in Spine.
      SkeletonData skeletonData = json.readSkeletonData(Gdx.files.internal("spineboy/spineboy.json"));
    • 編集済み
  • Hi, I am a beginer in spine. I create a game which use libGDX + spine. The player controls a hero to attack monsters. I want the hero to change different weapons or hold a shield. How do i do this with spine 2d.Do I need to put all weapons to the spine atlas and set the active weapon visible and hide all others or any other solution? Thanks.

  • good , thank you very much.

  • It looks like a little complicate 🙂 , can you post some sample code ? Very appreciate!

  • Hi. I use spine libgdx runtime. I can scale x,y by get the root bone of the skeleton and scale it. But how do i set a pivot point to scale the skeleton ? thanks.