Thanks you Pharan, I going to test to night =)
Thanks you Pharan, I going to test to night =)
@Nate, please need HELP
I have uninstall the spine 2.1.27 and then I download Spine again and I install the new Spine 3.0.. but now i read about the only runtime that supports v3 exports is spine-libgdx but Im extreme working now with the Unity Runtime..
I try to switch to 2.1.27 again but I only have the option to back to 1.7.12..
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How I can back to 2.1.27 please? :doh: :sweat:
I answer my self,
I open the button "Other" and I type 2.1.27 and then Spine automatically start to download that version
But I hope and wait the Runtime for Unity soon =) I really want to try v3.0
Sorry for the delay Pharan, I had some problems with my PC.
This is in the animation, I turn the UpperCutEffect in 255 Alpha here from 0
Thats the Alpha color that Im using:
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Hi Pharan!, sorry for the delay..
Here is the screenshot, the key is the UpperCutEffect:
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Hi Pharan! thanks for the hyper fast ninja fix =)
Look like is working but I have in my animation an alpha-color (0 to 255) object that is not showing with the new AnimationState.cs, what you think could be the problem?
Oh I understand Pharan, and thank you very much for the tip.. =)
Hi Pharan,
Thanks for the reply.. you mean dont key everything in the first start keyframe or dont key everything in all keyframe?
Because is working for me if I key everything in the start of the animation.
Hi Pharan,
Im trying to use the SkeletonAutoreset script but when I have the 'Animation State Data' with Mix animation time the SkeletonAutoreset is not working and the character stuck with animation in some weird pose with the new animation =/
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awesome.. Thanks for the reply Mitch
Merry Christmas and happy new Year to the Esotericsoftware team and the Spine community
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awesome.. thanks for the info Pharan
Sorry! another question..
There will be some way to keep using Spine v2 with the current Sine-C# & Spine-Unity after the V3 release.
I say that to keep safe projects without much change
Hi Pharan..
In any case will be an update on Hitman and Gunman asset if that asset need for the Spine-Unity Runtime, right? they will remain outdated?
@Nate, Spine V3 is going to work with the actual Unity Runtime? or is going to need another new runtime?
I want to know this because I bought the Assets Gunman and Hitman from your store.. this assets are compatible with Spine V3 if I want to create new animations..?
Oh! very nice that they mention Spine in the Unite Europe!! congratulations =)
Hi, is possible to make FadeIn and FadeOut in Spine animation? or there is an option?
Very nice feature for the runtime Pharan
I'm also very interested in the asset equipman.
some information on the estimated date of this asset? It seems like Mitch is the developer of the asset in charge.
There is no possibility that another developer from Esoteric Team continue with the Equipman asset if Mitch's too busy with SPINE V3?
Ohh! sorry!!! thanks you too @BinaryCats