
  • 2017年8月22日
  • 2017年6月29日に参加
    • 編集済み
  • Hi,

    I have for my carachter multiple Skeletons animation, for example :
    Skeleton_root(idle, use for walk, jump, shoot, ...)
    Skeleton_climb(climb, climb_shoot, climb_hit)


    View_root => GameObject with Skeleton animation root

    View_climb => GameObject with Skeleton animation root climb

    When i switch to animation in a different skeleton,
    my solution is to enable gameobject use
    and to disable the gameobject where skeleton animation is not use

    Example i want to switch animation idle(Root skeleton) to climb(Climb skeleton)
    i disable the gameobject View_root and i enable the gameobject View_climb

    It is good solution or bad solution?

  • Hi Pharan,

    Thank you for all, i will try now. Sorry for my latence..

    • 編集済み
  • Hi,
    I search solution to found firepoint position for my bullet depending skins.
    I create 3 skins type long arm, normal, small. Each skin have different Fire Point location.
    In Spine Editor, I define skin place holder with Point element, so i have 1 Point for each Skin.

    But now i want to access this element with skeleton, but i not found any method return Point.

  • Hi @Pharan,
    Thank for your answer so i worked on this direction and work fine.
    In fact it is better process thank.

  • Hi there,
    I have same problematic, i need a confirmation if my process is good.
    I have idea to realize this operation :
    I create all model type of weapon in the spine

    • Blade - weapon
      Short Blade : 1 dagger
      Normal Blade : Sword
    • Gun
      Short Gun
      Normal Gun
      Long Gun
    • Gun 2 hands need
      All type of weapon have specific bounding box for event hit, etc... The bounding box is define in Spine.
      Each type of weapon have Specific animation.
      When a weapon is selected, i use the good bounding box i need, and i replace the model weapon by the weapon selected.
      with this method :
      Spine.Attachment baseAttachment = baseSkin.GetAttachment("commonWeaponAttachment", "shortBlade");
      Spine.Attachment newAttachment = baseAttachment.GetRemappedClone(newWeaponSprite, sourceMaterial);
      customSkin.SetAttachment("commonWeaponAttachment", "shortBlade", newAttachment);
      I think use skin is not require, perhaps we have better solution to realize this operation quickly but i have follow the mixed example.
      My question it is good process to realize this operation? (Create type of weapon and bounding box in Spine)