我用spine 命令导出动图的时候发现导出gif的尺寸有偏差 和导出预设的json里记录的不一样 试了好几次没找到原因 🥲


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I exported your project from the CLI using 4.2.23 and the resulting GIF is 888 x 1062.

I see you are using 4.1.19. Maybe this has been fixed since then. In general it's fine to use a newer version to do image or video exports.

Note when exporting you should use the .spine file, not the .json data file. By using the .spine file you can export with any newer Spine version.

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    Nate 感谢回复❤️ 我用json骨骼和cmd命令用spine4.1.19导出时,有时候有也能导出正确的分辨率 但是不知道是什么原因导致的 没有办法在用JSON骨骼的基础上解决问题吗

    You can use JSON to do the imports, but 1) if you don't export with "Nonessential" checked then the JSON loses some data, like orange mesh edges, and 2) you will need to use the same version you exported the JSON with (eg 4.1). If you use a newer version, it may not work. With a .spine file it will always work.

    It's always better to have the .spine file. The JSON file is only for loading the skeleton data at runtime, it is not a good format to store the skeleton/project. If you only have the JSON file, import it into Spine and save a .spine file. You can also do that via the command line:

    Spine -i skeleton.json -o skeleton.spine --import

    I did the export 7 times with 4.2.23 and it was 888px wide every time. Please try the latest 4.2 (4.2.23).