- 編集済み
Hello, I'm doing my first Spine animation for my Unity game, but I don't know if it's normal to have too many verts or if I did something wrong.
I have this in Spine:
Then, when I added my animation to Unity (I'm using Unity 2018), the stats goes from this:
To this, when the Spine object is active but without playing any animation:
And when the animation is running:
- Spine - Verts on the project = 3,899
- Unity - Verts without my 'Spine animation' / 'game object' in the scene = 376
- Unity - Verts with my Spine animation in the scene and no animation playing = 9.8k
- Unity - Verts with my Spine animation in the scene and the animation playing = between 70k and 98k
Is that normal? I'm sorry if there is a discussion like this; I found nothing related on the forum.
Extra info when importing the Spine project to Unity:
- It created 4 material objects, three normal and one multiply.
- I have three assets, 2048 x 2048.