• International中文
  • h5上使用 spine player,需要在同一场景内创建多个spine,有没有推荐的做法

h5 上使用 spine player 创建spine,如果我在一个弹窗中需要创建多个spine,同时spine间还有层级的关系,请问有没有推荐的做法?目前是创建了多个player的实例去实现的,但是感觉资源消耗有些多。感谢!
spine 3.8

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The spine player allows you to display a single skeleton. If you need to display more than one skeleton, you need to use multiple spine players. Be aware that the number of player you can display is also limited by the number of webgl context the browser can have. Mobile browsers especially have a low number of webgl contexts allowed.

If you want to overcome these limitations, you can use spine-webgl that is the runtime that the Spine player uses underlying. Using spine-webgl you can display multiple skeletons in the same context.

We are also working on a new spine-webgl-overlay version that allows you to easily position multiple skeletons into HTML element using a single webgl context. However, that is a work in progress, but I invite you to follow our announcements because that might be suitable for you.

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