applyMixingFrom方法的 switch-case 块, default case 存在 let t = n[p] 覆盖 else 分支声明的 let t = a.timelineMode
这个是 else 分支编译后的代码,此时,执行到 default 时会导致后续的 t.mixTime 报错
{let t=a.timelineMode,n=a.timelineHoldMix,u=a.shortestRotation,g=!u&&a.timelinesRotation.length!=l<<1;g&&(a.timelinesRotation.length=l<<1),a.totalAlpha=0;for(let p=0;p<l;p++){let l,x=o[p],w=exports.MixDirection.mixOut,b=0;switch(t[p]){case qt:if(!i&&x instanceof kt)continue;l=s,b=c;break;case Ut:l=exports.MixBlend.setup,b=c;break;case Wt:l=s,b=h;break;case zt:l=exports.MixBlend.setup,b=h;break;default:l=exports.MixBlend.setup;let t=n[p];b=h*Math.max(0,1-t.mixTime/t.mixDuration);}

Related Discussions

TypeError: Cannot read property 'mixTime' of undefined
at Vt.applyMixingFrom

  • Davide がこの投稿に返信しました。


    Hello and thanks for reaching us.
    The code you are referring to is this one.

    I cannot reproduce the error you are reporting. Can you share the assets triggering the error? If you cannot share them here directly, you can send them via email at

    • jtabibito がこの投稿に返信しました。

      Davide Sorry abount this question, this issue seems to be caused by our use of terser for code compression. We are currently trying other tools.

      • Davide がこの投稿に返信しました。


        There's no need to say sorry 🙂 Sometimes it happens that some particular animations lead to unexpected results, and it's always appreciated when users report the issues to us.