spine-sdl runtime released

August 8th, 2022

Engines like Unity, Godot, or Unreal are all the rage these days. But there is still room for simpler, more direct approaches. SDL has been a long time go-to for people who want to create tailor made solutions for their game. Our roots are also in game development libraries!

We are thus happy to announce the general availability of spine-sdl, our new Spine Runtime for SDL.

We've built spine-sdl as a simple reference implementation for people who want to integrate either spine-c or spine-cpp into their own game development frameworks and libraries. It can also come in handy for people who are directly building their game on top of SDL.

spine-sdl is intentionally kept simple and straight to the point, just like SDL itself. Have a look at the documentation and the simple examples.

Let us know when you think about spine-sdl on the Spine forum.